“SunStar in ‘Iron Vetta Who?'” from Weaponz Tokyo

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6 years ago

Some of the videos from this producer tick the box for me because I’m of the opinion there’s nothing sexier than seeing a gorgeous white girl struggling helplessly / being taken apart by a black opponent who’s too strong or fast for them.
I’d like to see more producers work the ‘Interracial angle’, provided there was demand for it.

Heroineburgh avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Fun stuff. Speaking of which, our Episode 9 contains a black heroine (Savanna) and a white villainess (Serpenta) who alternate between victory and defeat in two fights. And we are introducing a black villainess (Vaporia) in Episode 11 who will use her asphyxiation powers on various heroines in our next season. Overall, our cast is multi-ethnic on purpose, so you’ll see lots of interesting and diverse team-up and battle combinations. Not due to political correctness per se (although we are generally politically progressive, while also believing strongly in free speech) but because it’s fun for everyone to watch beautiful women… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Same! Is there more videos like this coming? I also enjoy the opposite. Black heroines are rare in this genre, so I am hoping we see some of them in peril soon through this producer as well.

6 years ago

Is this the same actress from Purple Haze?

6 years ago

No future plan for male villains?