CBS’ “Supergirl”

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8 years ago

“@Bert – Well I’ll be damned. You’re right…”

Hey, even a broken clock is accurate twice a day…

HM avatar
8 years ago

@Bert – Well I’ll be damned. You’re right — CBS ordered an additional seven episodes, making it a full 20-episode season. In that case, I’ll start a new thread for the remaining episodes.

8 years ago

Those who have not yet, do check out The Flash. Was highly sceptical, but binge-watching season one and all the episodes in season two up to this point, have converted me. It is a great show!

8 years ago

You may be misinformed. It’s a 20 episode season.

HM avatar
8 years ago

@Ralev – Good point… although now that there are only two episodes left in season one after this next one (episode 11), maybe I’ll just plan to have multiple posts for season two.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

The show does have some pluses, very few, but overall I have to agree with you. The show is fixable.

8 years ago

I tried but there is nothing more boring than this girl. If she was naked and her hair was on fire she couldn’t make it exciting or even interesting. I amazed this even got picked up. But I guess grats to those who find Supergirl interesting. But for the life of me I can’t see why.

8 years ago

Hey HM,

It may better to post updates in new posts – this comment thread is getting pretty unwieldy 🙂

– Ralev

Mr.Bleh avatar
9 years ago

kaputreme – I liked your first scene better. Simpler and achieves the same end…although I do like that she’s tied up in the second scene you wrote.

HM avatar
9 years ago

@BruceKent – You’re right — I’ve updated the post. Thanks!

9 years ago

(this meaning childish things)

9 years ago

Not to be the messenger for Supergirl/CBS but I’m pretty sure this will air Monday January 18th…

9 years ago

I think the perfect cliff hanger for me would be… We see the final episode of the season, what ever the story is wrapping up a little earlier than it normally would. Supergirl has secured whatever scene they have her at, and she is off. Looks like the end of the season, but wait, as she is off by herself, we see Bizzaro Supergirl in pursuit. Supergirl hears her, but when she looks to see what it is, she is already too late. Bizzaro Supergirl uses the surprise element to get the upper hand, and delivers a decisive one sided… Read more »

9 years ago

Perfectly scripted! That would be a dream sequence for sure.
In fact, that would sit on my DVR for eternity!

So far, we’ve seen so many instances where SG has been in trouble but has somehow been
bailed out or gotten away lucky. To see her captured and helpless with no way out would
be incredible!

9 years ago

That could be your dream sequence Mario. I think i would like a season ending with Supergirl getting KO’d by a Bizzaro Supergirl (or another character if they want), then being carried in and delivered to Maxwell Lord. Just have her unconcious body dropped in a kryptonite cell, and Max looking down at a helpless Supergirl.

That would make me want Season 2 to get here in a hurry!

9 years ago

I heard rumors that they were doing a female bizarro on the show and maybe that girl on the table is going to be used somehow in the cloning/copying process or something.

9 years ago

I was so skeptical going in but this show has surpassed all my expectations.
For a network featuring a female superhero, I think Supergirl has been superb.
Great acting, great writing, Melissa is to die for , there is great peril every week
as she routinely gets in over her head. I absolutely love it and hope the show
continues as long as possible.

Hope we have more Supergirl KO scenes in our future and maybe even a KO and carry?
One can only dream right?

9 years ago

This show is much better than I expected. I look forward to it every week. Not sure who the girl on the table is, but you can be sure its not an ally for Supergirl. I look forward to the Toyman episode next week, and maybe we’ll start getting a sense as to who the girl on the table is then. I see another battle past the Toyman in Supergirl’s near future. Silver Banche is coming soon too. I am wondering who will be used for the season finale, and what kind of cliff hanger there will be? Will it… Read more »

9 years ago

Anyone still paying attention to this? What was the deal with the Supergirl like person on the hospital table at the end of yesterday’s episode?? Yeah, most of the show isn’t sooo great, it’s just got me waiting to see what happens! 🙂

9 years ago

I wouldn’t say ‘pervert’ for liking nice legs, shorts skirts, and a teasing flash either. It’s pretty normal and was once upon a time more openly enjoyed. It’s basically the equivalent of the ubiquitous shirtless dude scene for us guys. It’s also a reasonably good show with some very good action. The politics (especially identity/victim politics) are starting to ruin it for me, though. I want a fun, apolitical distraction where a beautiful heroine everyone can support attempts to save the day against a villain we can all agree is bad. If I wanted to be inundated with world views… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
9 years ago

lol, not quite ready to indict myself as a “pervert” for liking sexy shots of heroic women 😉

Good Knievel
Good Knievel
9 years ago

I’m surprised no one has mentioned the fact that there were a few different flashes of blue from beneath the majestic red skirt this last episode. Myself, I was pleasantly surprised when I first saw this and then it happened a few more times, I never was expecting this sexy added touch. Nicely done. Let’s be honest, we all here cause we perverts. How about someone with some basic computer skills put together a little montage of some of the inadvertently sexy bits of the season. I am also surprised that no one mentioned the part in the pilot when… Read more »

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

I picked up your post too late. However I access to west coast TV stations and so I will watch at 11:00 PM. Thanks.

9 years ago

@Big Zee
I’ll comment more on Supergirl later, but in TV listings I saw this:

The Big Bang Theory
The Opening Night Excitation
8:00 PM on KCBS 2, 32 min 2015 TV-PG

Prof. Proton visits Sheldon in a dream and gives him Obi-Wan Kenobi-like advice about whether to go see the new “Star Wars” film or spend the time with newly reunited girlfriend Amy on her birthday. Meanwhile, Leonard, Howard and Raj try to decide who will get their extra ticket to the movie premiere.

Please pass this info on to the folks in that other thread!

Sugarcoater avatar
9 years ago

I agree with you there Big Zee. Maybe the idea is to do a sort of melange and see what group reacts the most and then write future episodes targeting that group.
I may be well off base on this, but I don’t think much has ever been done with Kara’s character, so there seems to be plenty of opportunity to explore that alter-ego.

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

It depends on the objective. For example if role model is an essential ingredient to interest your target market, then you have to make a serious effort to advance the character of Kara as well. Network television can be very cruel; you need to develop the show to attract your target market. I can’t see the market as being everyone.

Sugarcoater avatar
9 years ago

I would imagine this show appeals to most of us here because of the superheroine in peril possibilities, rather than the dramatic storytelling. That said, I wouldn’t mind if the episodes were more well written in terms of dialogue, characterization, and reduced cliche interpersonal drama. I wonder how much of this is going to move the character forward. Having kept a cursory eye on the comic book over the years, I don’t think Kara has been examined much. The alter-ego has not had much evolution beyond that of a late teenager to an early 20-something. It will be interesting to… Read more »

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

@Seer Parts of Supergirl are pretty good. Before getting started with my likes, dislikes and suggestions, I believe that the target audience should be women of all ages. Of course, adolescent boys will probably have a keen interest, if you know what I mean. Melissa plays two roles. In the Supergirl role, I think that she is does well. Good with combat skills as well as with the peril. Her acting skills continue to improve and I am a firm believer in continuous improvement. As an aside, she does have a great costume and is very appropriate for network television.… Read more »

9 years ago

Agreed on the Kryptonite effectiveness being lazy writing. In fact, a lot of the writing hinders on CW/90210 crap with the love triangle garbage. The one aspect I care not a fig about. Or why she even keeps a day job as an assistant since she now works for a covert op unit! Are we to think she can’t save the world because she has a meeting at noon back at the office?? Stupid to keep her there and is just used to give us more useless drama.

9 years ago

Maybe there are different grades of purity for kryptonite. Really pure kryptonite knocks you out right away, murky kryptonite takes awhile and less effective. Kryptonite mixed with mystical dust makes people like the show; mixed with grumpy dust makes people question the shows writing.

9 years ago

Does anybody think that in the entire lifetime of this show Supergirl will ever be captured, bound and de-booted Catching her in a giant Kryptonite net? I know it’s extremely unlikely but heck, TV surprises me every day. Look at the crap they get away with already on other shows. Not talking about nudity or sexual overtones, heck, they tied Batgirl up all the time on the TV show Batman.

9 years ago

They are not being consistent concerning the effects of kryptonite. In the opening episode Supergirl was struck by a kryptonite dart and immediately lost consciousness. When Allura was stabbed by the kryptonite knife, she was still able to fly away at super speed, powers unaffected. This is quite different from the instantly disabling impact of kryptonite in the Smallville series. Of course it sort of fits with the traditions established by the comics, kryptonite was always only as effective as the writer of the story needed it to be. Sometimes the Kryptonian would be immediately helpless with all powers gone,… Read more »

9 years ago

@Big Zee
IMO the issues are not that serious. Maybe that’s cause I like Supergirl better than you do.

I think targeting a wide age range family audience can work fine. Works for Adele. I may prefer a Supergirl show targeted at me and my specific tastes, but that’s not going to happen!

There is some dumb stuff, but good stuff too. So I don’t know. More watchable than Gotham for me. Better written that Gotham for me. All the same, still hoping for improvement. Expecting it actually.

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

You accused me once before of making an hyperbolic statement. My post is in fact an hyperbole. The show has serious issues and I tried to highlight some of them. I will not debate the ratings with you as these are what they are. Previously you have accused me of not being interested in facts. You are completely correct in your assessment. In the meantime it is a dumb show and that is my OPINION.

9 years ago

How about you stop promoting like crazy?

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

I won’t take trolling as an insult. I am only here to help make you a better person. I wish you all the best.

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

I think that Gotham is better this year but is still not very good either. In my OPINION it is better than Supergirl. which is pretty lame, perhaps a better word than dumb.

Danorian avatar
9 years ago

My biggest concern with the show right now is that it feels like they’re trying to separate Kara from the Danvers’ family and Alex. After 10 years as siblings, I would hope the bond they had developed wouldn’t be so fragile!
We have to ask if Kara would forego her adoptive home for her long dead home.
Otherwise I’m enjoying the show. Enough peril to draw the eye, and enough wit to show Kara overcoming her dangers with her intellect, and sometimes aid of her friends!

My 2 cents.

9 years ago

I avoided conversing with you for a while and you continued to bait me nonetheless. Now here you are with all this smug trolling. So I’m done.

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

It’s Mr. Spade to you. It is my opinion that this is a dumb show. It is fixable, but in the meantime it is weak.

9 years ago

Big Zee says “If it is up against Gotham, then Supergirl is toast.”

You got it backwards.

Supergirl has been up against Gotham numerous times and has beat it in the ratings every week save one. SG tied Gotham when Gotham had it’s mid-season monday finale among the Adults 18-49 Rating/Share = 1.6/5, although in total viewers Supergirl still had more of them: 8.02 million vs Gotham 4.51 million viewers.

Supergirl clobbered Gotham in all their other match-up mondays.

Is Gotham any good? I watched the first 3 episodes this season, then stopped. Is it better now?

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

Omygosh, are you one of the producers of the show, sorry about that. However you have my OPINION, so now you can rejuvenate the show. I am available for consultations.

9 years ago

@Sugarcoater – Well, It’d be foolish of them to not target a female demographic with the first female led Superhero show in a while. I do think they are trying for a broader (I know, but it’s the best word…) audience though. The work and relationship scenes may be aimed more at women, but the action is pretty solid and the show is more violent than it maybe needs to be if they are only aiming it at women. I’ve read that test audiences were quite shocked at the beating Supergirl took in the pilot, but they have persisted with… Read more »

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

The target audiences are the inhabitants from Krypton, oops I forgot they are all dead. Seriously, the problem is that the producers targeted everybody over 2 years old. Something for everybody, that never works. Look, the program should be rejigged and then perhaps become a long term winner. If it is up against Gotham, then Supergirl is toast.

9 years ago

“Before anybody is out for blood for the tastes of the gentlemen above, looking the fans of the Supergirl show or other shows mentioned above right into the eye, please remember, you cannot argue taste or the quality of a show (or movie).” That’s a fair statement. However, how hard is it to simply qualify a statement of taste rather than make it sound like a flat out fact? “Let’s call a spade a spade. This is a dumb show, period.” Despite what you said Horse, them’s fightin’ words. It’s so easy to say “In my opinion…”, or “My take… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
9 years ago

Perhaps the key question for the producers is: who is your target audience?
I’m curious as to what people here think the show’s target audience actually is. Would it be young women? Teen and tween girls? Is it comic book fans? (And I’m not suggesting females aren’t comic books fans, just adding that as a category.) Men? Teen and tween boys? Girl power females? Kryptonians?

9 years ago

Supergirl has had issues since the beginning, but I liked last night’s episode. The fighting with impressive VFX last night were great. The supporting characters are growing on me. Melissa B has been the light of the show since the beginning. It may take the whole season for Supergirl’s growing pains to blossom into a much better written show. But given the chance, I think it could be great, for family viewing. Hope it gets a 2nd season.

Big Zee proclaimed “Let’s call a spade a spade.” OK, you’re a spade!

9 years ago

Before anybody is out for blood for the tastes of the gentlemen above, looking the fans of the Supergirl show or other shows mentioned above right into the eye, please remember, you cannot argue taste or the quality of a show (or movie). That stuff is subjective. I might not agree, but I welcome different opinions on shows I either like or hate. I did hate “Breaking Bad” initially.

BigZee avatar
9 years ago

Let’s call a spade a spade. This is a dumb show, period. The three characters, Cat, James and Winn add little or nothing to the story. Cat is downright annoying and is a major disappointment. The prospect of Winn as a love interest is a joke, give me a break. The others do a passible job. There are too many aliens running amok in the show and some of the plot lines are weak. The actress, Melissa Benoist who plays Kara does a decent job but is far from overwhelming. I figure that the show would get renewed for a… Read more »

9 years ago

“I tried watching Jessica Jones as couldn’t get through the first episode– the pacing was too slow for me.”

Interesting. Now you know how I felt watching Chloe Valentine in the sailor moon costume video with Wizard and other chick, and it just dragged and dragged, talk about slow pacing. Snoozefest.

Chloe Valentine is cute though.

[Comment edited to update actress name – HM]