“Superheroine’s Fighting Stories: The Guests” from Lesley Fox

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8 years ago

Does the video have any fighting in it? The preview doesn’t show any but want to check. It’ll be major waste if a Lori video doesn’t have any fighting at all.

Wrecker avatar
8 years ago

I picked this up on a whim and I must say that I was pretty impressed. The actress is really sexy and spends most of the vid with her lovely stomach exposed. There are tons of belly punches and she spends a little over half of the action bound AoH. Her responses to the hits were really good, especially her vocal responses. The use of blood and bruising was also well done. My only real complaint with this video is that the camera spends too much time on the goons. I won’t claim to speak for everyone, but my interest… Read more »

Greg Spat
Greg Spat
8 years ago

who wins?

MAV avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Greg Spat

**spoiler alert**-while pretty much every other clip on their site will feature a woman winning, this one is just part 1 of the heroine story and it ends with “Lora” unconscious after electrotorture…before she awakens with her eyes lighting up with energy. I’m guessing part 2 will be supreme girl power revenge!

8 years ago
Reply to  MAV


Thanks for the info. One quick question if you don’t mind: how long is the video? I just can’t find this basic info. Thanks.

MAV avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  ximi

@ximi-in their page it says 18 minutes. I’d say about half that is setup, half peril IIRC

8 years ago

Has anyone seen this? Is there a decent amount of AoH belly punching? It looks like there would be, just seeking some feedback

MAV avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  SlawDiesel

there’s a boatload of AOH bellypunching and facebusting, as well as some bellykicking and electrotorture. she is off the ground in bare feet for those of you who it matters to

MAV avatar
8 years ago

Now if all girl power vids were balanced out with some AOH peril like this, I’d be a much poorer man. Looks good!