“Supra Girl Birthday Bash Battle 2019!” from LuciaFilms
Luciafilms is excited to bring you a movie we fundamentally believe will change the face of Superheroine in Peril films forever! By far the most expensive movie we’ve ever shot, and the most time consuming. Based on a script we’ve been sitting on for ages, SUPRA GIRL BIRTHDAY BASH BATTLE 2019! has it all!
Get ready to see the most powerful heroine in the world face off against a fellow Krystonian leveraging Supragirl’s fabled birthday into a deadly battle of cake and confetti.
Unfortunately, this film proved too hot for us to make a trailer for, but we’ve been given permission to share some of the screenshots below as a preview of this action packed, sexually charged mega movie.
The run time is five hours, and includes:
-Non-Consensual surprise parties.
-Confetti canon facials.
-Pin the tail on the heroine.
-Deadly dance offs.
-Birthday spankings.
-Costume unwrapping.
-Birthday cake waxplay.
-Bobbing for gratuitously drawn out scenes.
-Oh my god it’s 4am I’m so done with this.
Visit Lucia Films at SHG-Media or LuciaFilms.rocks
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This is the only film I can think about buying now. Right up my alley. I won’t buy anything before this one. I’m patient and will wait.
i want to see that viedo
Definitely one of the most difficult movies I have been a part of. We had to shoot the confetti scene 11 times before we got “the one” and that was an expensive prop!
Rye you got anything in the works?
That scene was a nightmare! But in the end, it was all worth it.
Does anyone here not know it’s an April Fools joke?
We have no idea what this comment on our completely serious legitimate masterpiece means. Who is April and why do you think so lowly of her?
Remember that a good joke is about timing. So consider how long you will milk this one. But I appreciate your effort at something new.
Any low-blowing out the birthday candles in this one?
I sincerely wish we thought to put that in the product description. A+!
Xiphos was SUCH a good find, i cant wait for this!
Guess i should add i mean the actual video thats going to come out, not your April fools pictures lol
If any such video were to exist. You could probably expect it extremely soon. Unfortunately it will surely be overshadowed by this landmark of cinema entertainment.
Oh hell yeah!
OK I could forgive Twister instead of a bouncy house, but no piñata play?
This isn’t really Super Happy In Birthdays, it’s just prom in costume.
I am legitimately upset at myself for not thinking about a piñata scene. Clearly you need to be on thinktank payroll for future products.
I have detailed files.
When you get to Thanksgiving, don’t forget the gravy.
I’ll take a thousand!
How about slightly more than nine thousand?
It’s April 1st today so is this for real? 😉
Of course it is real! What ever would give you any conceivable ideas otherwise?
Woooooowwwwww finally the SHiP film of my dreams.
Ours too! Long have we dreamed of such a production. What a day to finally be able to share our magnum opus with everyone here!
you had me at 5 hour runtime!
Oh good! We were worried it was too short.
Does this come out in April? You guys would be fools to delay releasing this beauty one day later than you possibly can.
Gold Star. I have nothing clever to add to this.