“The Gladitorium” from The Battle for Earth

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eriepatrick avatar
7 years ago

Just bought this. The mask and costume alone was a hook for me. The crowbar to the head and the mad look after was a sure sign the bad guys were about to get a total beat down only to have the cloth instantly turn the heroine into a helpless female struggling and wonderfully protesting into the cloth. Very nice breath play and eye work as she surrendered. I would have much rather had a cradle carry but it was still well worth the price.

7 years ago

They should use Blair Williams or Stella or Lana next

Decendingskulls avatar
7 years ago

I finally broke down and purchased this. Incredibly well done all around. The fight choreography and filming are so good, it maintains an exciting pace from start to finish. I’m usually into stuff with more sexual peril, but I really enjoyed this anyway. Layla as sassy cocky superheroine was stellar. My only complaint is that I didn’t really understand the stakes of the fight. I understand that if she wins she goes free, but what happens if she loses? Obviously she doesn’t go free, but then what? Do they keep her there to keep fighting other fighters indefinitely? I could… Read more »

7 years ago

Good idea for a sequel…

7 years ago
Reply to  Xyh

I like the way you think and you’re definitely not alone. Layla might not do nudity but she’s not opposed to some sexual innuendo and that can be very erotic in itself when done right. I like my raw sexual peril too, but quality is most important to me. Sometimes a subtle, inferred, steady turn in that direction works best. The imagination is a wonderful thing. Just push Layla to the edges of her ‘erotic comfort zone’ and my mind can RUN with it from there, I guarantee. She is talented and hot and when she mixes in that sassy… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Nixon

As Jeff Foxworthy once said, once you’ve seen one pair of boobs, you want to see all of them.

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

The fight action is excellent and Layla looks very convincing both giving and taking punches and punishment; I love her sassy attitude, nothing better than a sassy super slapped around, lol, and she looks incredible; I especially like her boots, they’re proper superheroine boots, lol, but I want to see at least some nudity or the heroine stripped to her underwear or even just her costume torn, but despite this its a very good movie.

7 years ago

I think the explicit ones are better

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

This looks awesome! The clip and pics are awesome! Layla looks awesome!

7 years ago


shfyd avatar
7 years ago

Oh WOW!. This is outstanding stuff. Layla Rylan, as usual, looks exceptional in the Sonique outfit, so HOT she burns up the screen. She brings a perfect overconfident superheroine attitude with her. And her athleticism and physicality spice up the fight scenes perfectly, She rolls with the punches so well, I thought she was really hit a couple of times! Some great KOes and peril scenes. She gets chloroformed, and her lights punched out. Nice AOH bondage and beating. She fights 2 super villains at the same time and its not one sided by any stretch. There is a 5… Read more »

Decendingskulls avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  shfyd

Alternative ending?!

…You have my attention 🙂

shfyd avatar
7 years ago

Trying not to give too much of a SPOILER, SPOILER, SPOILER

She wins some…….she lose some 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  shfyd

I’m someone who pretty much only buys lose endings, can you describe that? i don’t really see it in the description. Would really appreciate it.

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

What first got my attention was the boot print on Laylas sexy ass in the first pic! LOL!

7 years ago

Here’s my review. AWESOME!!!!!!

Decendingskulls avatar
7 years ago

This is a creative twist on the usual formula, and with a character that I’m happy to see getting nicely fleshed out a bit. Also, that description was really well-written 🙂

…is this a custom?

ak_fan avatar
7 years ago

I believe all of TBfE’s releases are now customs and have been for quite some time now.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Awesome news Allen! Thank you very much for the quick release!

7 years ago

Oh ya! Layla bringing the attitude and then receiving a punishing beat down? It doesn’t get much better if that’s what this is about.