“The Parolee 4 part II” from TheRyeFilms
The Parolee 4 part II (TheRyeFilms.com custom order)

Superia now must face the magical powers of the Petrov family in a fight for her very life. The gangsters’ wishes become more and more creative as the gorgeous Superia struggles against them to no avail.Superia finds herself in the most humiliating situations of her life with little to no hope of turning the tables.
This movie contains Forced orgasms, groping, forced BJ, Beat down, frozen perils, topless nudity, low blow, bear hug, front and rear wedgies and more!
Purchase this video at SHG-Media
part 3 is out! and if those pics are any tease this might be one of the best vids ever released holy shit
Any word on Part 3 yet? Rye help 🙁
Part 3 coming soon and it looks epically delicious!!!
im still waiting for part 3 to drop before getting all of them
dont care if theres no discount i just wanna watch all 3 at once
Yeah me too…
When will they release part 3 ????….
I guess januar 2023 because we waited so long for part 2
It’s too… Long…!!
got any tight bearhugs?
was really hoping theyd drop part 3 this weekend 🙁
How do you contact either RyeFilms or Lucia Films to make a custom movie i tried the emails they have on their websites but have never been contacted by them 3 days ago i sent 2 to Rye and like 4 to Lucia a month ago i need to know how much it would cost my movie to be made and if they want to make my movie which i really want to make.
you just email them and they’ll respond when they get to it. usually have to set up appointments to talk about your idea via msging app. you pay the film crew, travel cost of the actress, and per hour cost of the actress at their going rate. cost goes up depending on movie length, special effects, the difficulty of stunts, and whether or not it falls under explicit category – standard stuff in the industry. you should have a storyboard and costume ideas already made before you reach out to make the process smoother. its not a cheap production and… Read more »
Thanks for the info. I sent them the storyboard,costumes and which actresses I wanted Mackenzie and coco hopefully I get a reply from either just want to get it made. I made the screenplay originaly for the battle for Earth didn’t do it after paying for if due to Blair Williams canceling the shoot everytime they set a date it is stressful that they didn’t tell me the reason why movie was delayed they just stop talking after a month after final payment then found out in Sept the movie didn’t even have a filming date soo I said maybe… Read more »
Hope you get a response cause definitely want Mckenzie and Coco in a custom together 🙂
That sounds frustrating! Did you get a refund?
Still haven’t gotten my refund they stop completely answering my emails on February after the first delay only way I got a response was here using this anonymous account and casually asking if they had a Blair Williams movie in the works and he said it didn’t filming date a problem that could had been fix if he talked to me because if Blair is the problem she can be recasted especially when the movie has been in development since October last year fully paid in January the movie also had Layla Rylan has the villain.Here’s a pic of his… Read more »
Okay, that sucks. I think you should address this on the thread for the latest TBFE movie. It might be that emails got lost somehow / didn’t get through. That has happened in my own communication with Allen. He otherwise usually responds pretty quickly.
Oh man, that’s awful. As far as emailing TBFE, have you been using the same email thread? I have a custom in the can that’s waiting for edit and I couldn’t raise them by email until I started a new thread, at which point they responded promptly. I’d say start a new email thread rather than reusing the old one.
And yes, it’s odd how all of them have such email issues.
Yes I been using the same email thread and new emails threads on both the direct email thread Allen and the custom movie emails they have in the website.I have sent the same emails for updates to both no answer it is stressful that’s why I asked recently for the cancelation and refund of the film I’m trying with either rye or lucia.I know he wants to make my movie and that Blair is the one failing and he probably think I only want Blair for the protagonist but I didn’t mind if we had to recast her I wanted… Read more »
Hey, I’ll reply once here and at the very least if we could take the conversation to one of my threads or better yet, PM through Heroine Movies. It’s obviously clear my emails are not getting to you. I’ve been sending every month or so with an update. I’ve been receiving yours up until June and then the one this morning, and I remember answering on the thread although I didn’t realize it was you. I’ve reviewed our email communication and judging from your replies, you stopped receiving from me on Feb 2nd. I received 5 emails from you total… Read more »
Hey again and apologies,
It seems HM messages were disabled so no PM. As soon as I post this, I’ll email you from 3 different emails including info@ and I’ll check for your reply. I’m sure one of them will get through.
I don’t know about Rye, but getting in contact with Lucia is not easy and seems that one actually has to be kind of lucky. For some reason they have huge problems with responding to emails – which they admit but seem unable to change. The first time I reached out to them, I didn’t get any response. The second time, about a year later, it worked out in the end, but only after two months and several attempts, and I had actually pretty much given up at that point. And it turns out that the fact that they did… Read more »
I have had the same issue with Lucia. I emailed them twice and from two different accounts and they never got back to me. I even pinged them on here and they said they would check immediately, but I still never heard back. Email can become an avalanche, so I think all of these producers need to find a better way… whether that’s better filtering, a less-widespread address, or IDK what.
No full nudity, no pantyhose, that is a negative, will pass.
lol no one gives a shit
I want to see a full nudity movie with alicia. She is awesome
given the amount of thumbs up. it looks like the pantyhose camp is wining in 2022
More likely that someone is logging in through proxies to like their own comment. These guys are nuts.
Top 5 best superheroine porn quotes:
#5 “What are you doing?” -Blair ass up in basically anything
#4 “You can’t do this to me! I’m Liberty Girl” -Alex David in Liberty Girl
#3 “Fuck me deeply sister!” -Coco in Dark Surrender
#2 “I’m One Dumb Woman” -Olive Glass in One Dumb Woman
#1 “Bring it you brainless barbie!” -Paris Kennedy to CC in Wonder Woman XXX
#0 “Let me go, and I will behave perfectly. ” Alex David lying defeated on her stomach with ass tramped under Obsidian’s foot.
Which film was that from?
Liberty Girl The Return
Nice one, thanks for the reply
Which videos are they from
#5 Any one with Blair Williams/Solaria
#4 Alex David in Liberty Girl
#3 Coco in Dark Surrender
#2 Olive Glass in One Dumb Woman
#1 Paris Kennedy to CC in Wonder Woman XXX
TBFE has a new Solaria vid starring Coco. Looks good, but pricey at $54.95.
Alex David has a new video with Coco on SHG, Miss Wonder Highest Bidder that looks interesting. Any chance of it showing up on Heroine Movies?
Strange that Alex David did not post something on HeroineMovies. Thanks for the heads-up !
There’s no trailer and only a couple of stills. That’s why I’d like to see it here.
Maybe that’s why it hasn’t been announced here yet.
Dying to bring this up as well. Is Alex back??? Would she be open to bring back Liberty Star (starring herself of course)? I miss her as a heroine actress so much!
I love it when she gets finger fucked!
I dont know what is it about Alicia but she makes even these hardcore videos (which i do no enjoy) to look classy and even enjoyable by me.
There’s a wholesomeness to her that’s really attractive. She has serious girl-next-door vibes. And of course she looks a LOT like Alicia Silverstone which certainly doesn’t hurt.
Girl next door vibes! That’s it, you hit the nail in the head. Excellent observation.
I have seen some other posts from you and i got to say, you speak truth.
Hehehe thanks pal. I’ve been into this stuff since 2007 so I fancy myself a Superheroine Peril Sommelier at this point. My first custom is in the works and should be out in a few months. We’ll see how good I am at this then!
What’s your custom about and with who? Good luck my friend. If you got the money to burn it truly is a wonderful experience.
I don’t think Allen likes when we leak this stuff but it’s a fairly typical TBFE film. The difference is that I wrote the heroine as a bit of a Buffy/Jessica Jones type (but still in a heroine costume of course.) The stills I’ve seen look amazing. The closest comparisons would be No Hope, Ninja Girl, and Solaria the Hunt probably.
And no, there’s no debooting.
Hi how are you? Excuse my curiosity, but how much did the habit cost you? I am finishing writing a story that I would like to make a reality but I have a limited budget and I would like to know approximately how much it costs to order something like this
That’s something you should discuss with the producers. Email them! Allen at TBFE is very cool and transparent about this stuff.
The Buffy comparison really has me intrigued. I might watch the movie when it’s released just to see if it lives up to that. I actually have a Buffy script but it looks like that one will never get made into a film.
In the past I have ordered customs from various producers. None of them have been heroine themed. I might one day order a custom of the Beautiful Bodyguard series from Hotfighters. I ordered some customs from Lora’s Lady2Fight. Most of my custom sare about a cool pretty female fighter getting a bad beating, especialy a one sided beatdown. The more i like a girl fem-fight performer the more i want to see them on the receiving side of a bad beating or losing a fight where the adversary has the upper hand from the start. I also ordered some customs… Read more »
Hardcore? I think they are using vibrators?
I wish to see hardcore movie with Alicia
I can watch forever Alicia when she masturbate herself <3
I’m not trying to knock anyone’s hustle, no doubt much effort and money goes into making this stuff…And this is all just fantasy and stuff…………..But this isn’t rocket science……well…………for me its not…….. Arrogant / over confident ( yet still very beautiful) superheroine appears. (usually adorning a very attractive well covered costume. During this time the Supe’s powers and abilities need to be displayed (eye beams, super speed, flight, super strength, etc etc), I think sometimes it is assumed that name brand recognition alone here is enough to leave out this phase for varying results at your own risk… The Superheroine… Read more »
I think we’re all generally pretty comfortable with variations on the theme. There’s a reason it’s so tried and true. Lucia Films has been innovating in lots of interesting ways but really any narrative tends to follow a given pattern.
Oh the things that folding table has seen…
i dunno if rye reads these comments at all but plz release part 3 too 🙁
this this this
throw us a bone rye 🙁 lol
No debooting again? boring. Sorry
Dude… seriously????
I don’t know what’s worse… the fact that you’re so stuck on this to the exclusion of all the joys of this genre, or the fact that there are six and counting people who agree with you.
Lol. So excitement is the removal of a boot? Seems like a pretty weak plot. Would a thick sock beneath the boot preventing a smooth removal be the villain? Or perhaps a stuck zipper is the mastermind behind Boot Removal 2: The Zipper’s Revenge?
For the heroine, it’s Kryptonite. For the villain? Foot sweat.
So I’m just gonna say I’ve been seeing y’all with this shame on feet and it’s driving me nuts like what’s so wrong with it? Boots are on in like 98% of rye’s films and we debooting enthusiasts still watch it. I get that what he said was dumb cause regardless of debooting it’ll still be hot af but as someone who loves seeing a heroine get debooted it just sucks that sometimes we don’t get that. So chill with the shame. Hope y’all would still buy a video if it had debooting in it too.
The problem is the complete lack of self awareness and the extreme narrowness of taste. Plenty of stuff comes through here that doesn’t interest me but I don’t feel the need to declare it “boring” or “stupid” or what have you. I see comments like “No de-booting? What is this, a sick joke?” It’s this total inability to understand that different people have different tastes, in a custom marketplace no less, that I find so baffling and annoying. But if it’s SO important, one can leave a comment like “I would really love to see more de-booting” without pissing all… Read more »
Exactly what Snidely said. We all have little details along the way we hope to see. For example, I like seeing the heroine held up by her top. I like seeing certain kinds of sexual positions. I dislike seeing blood. But I won’t call a video “boring” or not worth it simply because it doesn’t have or does have one of those minor elements.
we all have specific tastes, regarding the subject of boots and speaking of my personal tastes, it seems to me a studied fetish to take off the heroine’s boots, what’s more, it seems to me that if the heroine remains totally naked, the video ends up losing all meaning heroin, ends up being a common porn video (unless some story really justifies this situation). on the other hand practically all the producers of this genre use this “disbooting” fetish in their productions, no matter the plot or the situation or if it makes sense that this happens, they simply do… Read more »
let’s diversify it. Two candidates:
Like Sugercoater said. I have things I like to see in a vid that determine whether or not I buy. I really don’t care about the other elements. I’m not interested in debooting, but it’s presence or absence doesn’t affect my decision in any way. If someone else wants this. bring it on, as long as I get my own scenes.
Alicia has a n unbelievable ass!!! Are there plenty of gratuitous ass shots? Fondling? Is there a forced blow job scene and if so how is it? My phone can’t play videos for trailer and want to buy when I get back to my home computer.
A lot of ass shots , A LOT of fondling , and a forced BJ . It’s honestly pretty good . Part 3 should be even better just hope it comes out soon
* single tear rolls down face *
Bought it. It was solid. Was looking forward to the sex and ahegao, but I’m guessing that will be in part 3. I hope the next episode comes out a lot sooner than part 2.
wait, so this doesn’t include the scenes that some of the images in this post teased two months ago?? https://www.heroinemovies.com/rye-and-ph-50-off-summer-sale/
No, sadly. The images of her getting fucked and her eyes crossing in an O-face are not in this one. It looks like there’s going to be a part 3, because part 2 ends on a cliffhanger.
I’m fine with this, because the content is still good, but I hope we don’t have to wait more than a few weeks.
oh man thats disappointing but good to know. i was gonna get it tonight but i want to wait until the full thing is hope.
i really hope the wait isnt as long. wish they put out part 3 today too 🙁
Yeah, same Bob. I hope it comes within the next 2-3 weeks maximum. I’ve been waiting for that sexy ahegao from the gorgeous Alicia…
maybe rye will have a change of heart and put that up too lol id buy all 3 if they did