“Thine Own Self” from Rye-UK

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randy jacokson
randy jacokson
7 years ago

hope rye use the she hulk character again so sexy when the she hulk had super girl in a tight grip bearhug with both arms hope they do that with a wonder woman type character next time !

randy jacokson
randy jacokson
7 years ago
Reply to  randy jacokson

mean both arms pinned!!!

Orcaman001 avatar
7 years ago

HOLY MOLY this one was a 11 out of 10 for me anyways , knock down drag out bakc and forth action with poor Anastasiya taking the worst of it, and she sold everypart as great as always the only thing and it is very minor would be the change over , think it might just might have been better to have the She Hulk type Character in a Tattered Dress with possible shorts underneath it kind of through off the change over somewhat I think both ladies performed MARVELOUSLY and it in my top 10 or so of all… Read more »

7 years ago

Terrific and stunning film!
In love with Anastasiya… Is there going to be a Villains United III with her in it? I would surely buy that one!

wondiwfan avatar
7 years ago

This seem very fun, but I am no sure about the actress.

7 years ago

One of the best F vs F fight scenes I’ve seen in awhile! Nice and long!
Yes, very heavy on punching, very excellent acting and camera work.
At end, when SG was down getting head punched right and left, I thought camera view of her looking at hulk girl while getting punched was very smart and fresh.

Still looking for punching video where breasts are main target. I think Rye has the experienced girls and to do this safely.

If you like prolonged body punching done well, get this video!

7 years ago

This deserves a lot more attention than it seems to be getting – stunning film.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hotcakes

I agree. For some weird reason…

7 years ago

I like Rye and Anastasia, but if the actress instantaneously becomes She-Hulk and there isn’t the time spent depicting a proper shrripping transformation, it’s a no-go for me. She-Hulk is my favorite Marvel heroine precisely because her transformation from nerdy lawyer to muscular powerhouse is the symbolic comic book equivalent of an orgasm. (Also, Dan Slott wrote her very well). Nothing DC does even comes close except Rampage who’s been used very poorly lately. I know this can be done correctly in a fairly low-budget video because I own several MissaX/Mandy Flores videos where this is done well, and I… Read more »

7 years ago

Hey guys. Thinking of getting this. Surprisingly not as many reviews on it as I Hoped. I wanted to know if it was heavy on belly punches and low blows. I only see one from the trailer.

7 years ago
Reply to  fabio

Fabio, get it. You wont be let down. Its the best one ever. And its not just one 😉

7 years ago

I watched this today and enjoyed it a lot. It was nice to see this match up, She-Hulk has enough strength for sure to be a challenge for Supergirl. The action was well done and dug the drugged-drink/Kryptonite scene. If I was going to share anything I think that could have been improved, the dialog seemed a little repetitive at times. Also had to chuckle a little at the sudden costume changes. SG’s wasn’t too bad, I just assumed she changed really fast. She-Hulks though was a bit more lol. She’s in a dress one moment then green and wearing… Read more »

7 years ago

What a great flick! Tremendous action and fight choreography. Both actresses did an amazing job of selling both the giving and receiving of blows! Also, great use of the surroundings. I just LOVE the work that keeps coming out of The Rye. Many thanks to all involved in this latest production. It’s a real winner!!

7 years ago

The text above mentions a ‘permanent KO’ does that mean one of them dies?
Thanks for any replies!

7 years ago
Reply to  bigphill

Makes sense when you watch it!

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  bigphill

I think the endings are such that you can make your own mind up about whether the heroine is dead or not. If you don’t want her to be, then just take it as a knock out.

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago

I paid for this via PayPal but have received no download link nor response from NetCode. Can anybody confirm whether you are sent a download link or whether you are meant to log on to get it?

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Lake

Okay, got it. There is an option to log in and get it which I didn’t see at first, and I did eventually get an email giving me a download link. The movie itself. A bit slow to get started but once into the combat, brilliant. I thought the fight choreography was excellent and I like that supergirl took a few more slaps to the face in this one. This is a type of humiliation that too few producers make the most of. Well worth the financial outlay.

7 years ago

This is awesome, thank you Rye!!

7 years ago

Will we ever see Jamie Leigh Paley return as wonder woman in a sequel to Eye of the Beholder?

wondiwfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  yolho

I agree with you. Jamie leigh Paley is perfect as Calista . But I don’t know if we will see her again…

7 years ago

I’ve always wanted to see a She-Hulk in a superheroine in peril film, thank you Rye. But … she’s on the wrong side! 😉

Sure hope we see Dr. Brenna return, all hulked out, for a pounding of her own.

7 years ago
Reply to  dkm

agreed a she hulk vs red she hulk would epic!

7 years ago

The villainess is gorgeous, I’ve been long waiting and I’m sure others as well to see her on the heroine side taking a humbling, If I’m not mistaken, she was Xavier in the Agent Walker series, which was great by the way.

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

For the longest time I’ve been wondering when Rye-UK was going to come back onto the scene. Now I know I don’t have long to wait. Absolutely looking forward to this film.

7 years ago

I’ve been waiting for a release like this for a while. Can’t wait

Elkcreek avatar
7 years ago

A few points: 1) hopefully it’s a one sided beat down, no one in this business sells pain better than Anastasia Breadson. 2) Glad to see Rye-UK isn’t doing another cage fight, that was getting old 3) Please let us see some of Anastasia’s bare midriff, also keep the cape out of the way. The cape was really a problem in Villans United II as it blocked Anastasia’s body many times. 4) Also hopefully the AOH tie down position in the previews is used in a beatdown. To me one of the strengths of Villans United is that the victim… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Elkcreek

I liked the cage matches but you’re right they where getting a bit old. And I agree hopefully it is a one sided beat down. Anastasia sells peril incredibly well and this premise is by far a very interesting one. Looks like her character will take an brutal beat down in this episode. I hope we don’t have to wait to long for this

7 years ago

any idea of the eta of this release

8 years ago

When I see the name Anastasiya, I know my credit card is going to be taking a hit in the near future. She is just amazingly beautiful and can actually deliver dialogue as well.

8 years ago
Reply to  Dennis

I feel the same. Hopefully we don’t have to wait long for this one because it looks like one of RYE UKs best

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

I like the unique villain concept for this genre. Haven’t seen a good She-Hulk (or might it be Krytonite-She-Hulk?) in any heroine video yet. Can’t wait to see more of it. Keep ’em coming Rye!

8 years ago

Can we talk about the girl in green? Rye, any chance of doing a She-Hulk in peril video?

TM (too short?!)
TM (too short?!)
8 years ago

Fantastic stuff! I’m in!

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Very ‘cool’, nothing quite like female vs female, especially if they are evenly matched.

8 years ago

Rye really knows how to make a trailer…only seen a little but so excited for this already

Fem Only
Fem Only
8 years ago

Thank you! Always nice to see fem vs fem. I do not like any male presence in heroine films.

8 years ago
Reply to  Fem Only

I do. Well, it’s nice to have that settled.

8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Bert, you’re an abrasive jerk who can’t seem to wrap his head around the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The last time I pointed this out, you sputtered something about Logan this and Logan that. Well, the Logan days are long gone. You’re just an abrasive jerk, plain and simple.

Have a nice day.

Decendingskulls avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bullz-Eye

Bullz-Eye, I don’t think you were able to wrap your head around the context of Bert’s reply. In retrospect, you might see the irony of yours.

8 years ago

You might be right. I only pop in here every once in a while. By some craaaazy coincidence, I always seem to be stumbling across posts by Bert that are him being a an abrasive jerk who can’t wrap his head around the fact that everyone has a right to their own opinion. If I happened to comment on one of the minority, where Bert is NOT actually being an abrasive jerk who can’t wrap his head around the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, then bad on me.

So I’m all ears. What’s the context?

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bullz-Eye

Writing “I do not like any male presence in heroine films” comes across as “my opinion is important and should factor in what happens”. Hence Bert’e response.
Instead I would suggest the person write, “Any chance of having more female-only heroine films? This one is right up my alley.” It just comes across as more accepting of others’ tastes while also stating one’s preference.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

1. “Comes across as “my opinion is important and should factor in what happens”. …. Maybe it is, or maybe he’s just stating a fact, or maybe he’s not a native English speaker.

2. “Hence Bert’s response.” ….. No. Not “hence.” That implies that there’s a perfectly reasonable cause and effect between what was said and how Bert responded. The reality is that plenty of people can pass up an opportunity post a caustic response. Not Bert. Been reading this dude’s noxious crap for … what, YEARS, now? …. it gets a little irritating. End rant.

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bullz-Eye

True, but when someone posts something in that style, it’s fair to post a brief response. It was short and somewhat amusing and less harsh than your response. So let’s leave it at that. Just because someone posts an opinion doesn’t mean it can’t be self-serving, rude, funny, thoughtful, etc. But an opinion posted is not some sort of carte blanche to have no response allowed. And regardless of “maybe it’s this or maybe it’s that”, all we have is our interpretation of the post. As there are no egregious grammar issues, I don’t think suggesting the writer lacks English… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

In the interest of not hijacking Rye-Uk’s thread any more than I already have, I’ll say my last and leave off as well. I’m NOT commenting on JUST this post of Bert’s. It’s his whole never-ending obnoxious schtick. And anyone who has a problem with speaking out and being abrasive and taking things “off topic”, I have news for you: You’re actually NOT upset with me for being abrasive and taking things off topic. Ya know how I know that? Because you’ve been watching THIS guy (jerks his thumb in Bert’s direction) do it for a looooong time now, and… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Psst. Hey guys. Look at the pretty lady.

Fem Only
Fem Only
8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

I assumed this was an adult forum? I won’t make that mistake again. Anyone who is offended by my post, thanking a producer for his/her efforts, is selfish and childish. I will continue to voice my opinion but it’s nice to know people like you are here to police opinions. after all, we wouldn’t want a producer to read anything from paying customers that could potentially create more sales now would we?

7 years ago
Reply to  Fem Only

As far as I can tell, no one was offended by your post, although it seems at least one person was offended by mine. As for the motivation to make my post in the first place, Sugarcoater didn’t seem to have any trouble deciphering it. Choosing the handle “Fem Only” makes your preferences pretty clear – 100% fine. “Thank you!” – Obviously 100% fine. “Always nice to see fem vs fem.” – Also, clearly 100% fine. “I do not like any male presence in heroine films.” This little sentence is ripe for some mocking. First of all it’s completely redundant,… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Fem Only

Sigh. Now we are continuing off topic and I apologize for contributing. 1. Yes, it is an adult forum. Suggesting you “mistakenly” assumed only adults posted here because of the follow-up to Bert’s comment is essentially doing exactly what others claim Bert does. 2. No one was offended. Bert simply had a little fun in responding to your point about not liking men in your heroine videos. 3. By all means, post your opinions. The opinions expressed here can foster discussion and create new ideas for the genre. And as with opinions, the presentation is often as important as the… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bullz-Eye

Honestly, I think you may be overreacting to Bert. Based on the post he was responding to, I don’t see anything wrong with what he wrote. Yes, there have been some caustic posts by Bert, but this is not one of them.

8 years ago
Reply to  Bullz-Eye

You stated your opinion, he stated his, then you stooped to the low of personal attacks, something which you should be embarrassed by, but since you clearly have an issue with Bert rather than his post, I will post my unique response to your original comment and its coming from someone who almost never posts here (ignore Berts comment), its as follows.

I do. Well, it’s nice to have that settled.

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Decibel

Not very helpful. How about I beg to differ or to each his own or I have a different opinion or I prefer true heroine peril, don’t care much for female vs female or different strokes for different folks, erc.. I would agree that Fem could have expressed his or her opinion a bit differently. ‘Two wrongs don’t make a right.’

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

It’s not necessarily a “two wrongs don’t make a right” situation. A little playful ribbing can serve to somewhat subtly point out how one might better express one’s opinion.

But as to the topic at hand for this part of the thread, it seems like Rye’s videos have a fairly good balance of male and female villains.

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

One person’s interpretation of playful ribbing is another person’s interpretation as sarcastic, jerk like behaviour.
In any case it is great to see female vs female from time to time. Given the actors involved, this going to be great.

7 years ago
Reply to  Decibel

A lot like DescendingSkulls, who stuck his foot in his mouth when he mentioned “context,” you don’t have the full context. This has been going on a loooong time. My point is not about one specific post of Bert’s. It’s about a history of behavior. Bert has made excuses for this behavior in the past, claiming that there were circumstances at the time that caused it. I’m now pointing out that those circumstances are gone, and his behavior is the same, so it’s not about one person or circumstance he’s dealing with. The circumstance which causes Bert to behave like… Read more »

Decendingskulls avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Bullz-Eye

I’m the one who stuck his foot in his mouth? You sir are an irony machine.

8 years ago

Definitely thinking about getting this one.

8 years ago

Wow some one is breaking ground and kind of doing a crossover of there own NICE. I’ll be looking for this one 🙂

8 years ago

supergirl vs she hulk….. I’m in!!!!

chucky avatar
8 years ago

this looks awesome when is it coming out??