“Undercover” from The Battle for Earth

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7 years ago

whats the name of a redwing actress

7 years ago
Reply to  steve

Coco has played Redwing a few times and Blair Williams also played a Redwing once.

7 years ago

That last pic is awesome. All SHIP clips should end like that, with the heroine stripped completely of her entire uniform and boots, the proud and arrogant heroine humbled, humiliated.

DDXX avatar
7 years ago

I can´t download the video 🙁

7 years ago

What is the heroine’s full name?

7 years ago

May be the best of its kind ever!! The action, dialogue, peril, and transformation of Redwing from overconfident superheroine to whimpering, submissive girl at the hands of Aiex (as the villainess) after a brutal beatdown, choking, dunking, and other forms of abject humiliation are incredible! This really was one incredible experience. Well done to all involved, and a special kudos to Coco and Alex for fantastic performances.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Would love to see more Redwing with Coco. And if that happens, what about having her cape removed? And if this story could be continued, what about starting the video with two guys paying the mistress for some “quality time” with Redwing. They insist on her wearing her complete Redwing outfit, as they are only willing to pay the kind of money the mistress is asking if they get to hook up with a real superheroine. The next five or ten minutes would be shots of Redwing being taken by both guys. At first it would be one-on-one, then move… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

This is a custom script.. if you want that you can probably contact tbfe about it.

7 years ago
Reply to  FetishMast

Yes, you can.

7 years ago

Loved it! Favorite movie of the year by far. Loved when Redwing was getting dunked in the water, then basically giving up. She went from super cocky in the beginning to broken by the end. Then being carted off at the end was great. Both Coco and Alex did a wonderful job in their roles.

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

I’m about to make myself unpopular, but I really didn’t think this is worth all the hype; don’t get me wrong, its good, very good, and the plot is different and imaginative; Coco makes a very, very sexy heroine and she looks awesome in both her Redwing outfit and her underwear, as seen at the beginning. She handles the fight scenes very well, as does Alex who makes a great, sinister villain and they contrast well together. Coco shows she can act a bit, too, but her range is limited, especially regarding her voice and vocals; I was tempted to… Read more »

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

What I do really like about her, is facial expressions and body shape when she is being beaten, as that is exactly what she conveys.

7 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

Oh, be sure to get the other vids with Coco, especially the other two of her as Redwing. Even though there is no nudity in the first one, it is still my favorite peril movie. Regarding this vid: great work all around and I love how Allen uses the “time element” more and more i.e. quick cuts to indicate more time has passed and she has endured more without the stuff being to repetitive. However, and I got this vibe already from the trailer and the pics (so no complaint, I knew what the vid would be like) this is… Read more »

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

I agree with what you say re meat and poison, and about it being a custom; I do like Coco, shes certainly hot; and I do like the look of Spectre Outnumbered which Ive been thinking of buying for a while.

7 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

You should get it. Did not mention it since it is not a TBFE vid, but since you mentioned it. Also she is very hot and fantastic in Doomsday Alpha or whatever this vid is called now. It starts very slow, but like Sprectre it does not let up once it gets going.

7 years ago

@Coco…we have missed you like you wouldn’t believe. Please promise you will never leave us again! Your acting in this was superb. You have mastered the Redwing character and are a natural in so many others. Your body is flawless, your costume so sexy and you simply are a dream come true! So please keep fighting the good fight and yes, keep going down in humiliating defeat!

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Two things I love about her. No tats and no vaginal hair. Beautiful 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  SHBeater

Dat ass?

shfyd avatar
7 years ago

Bought it. Watched it. Still trying to catch my breath. Coco is super cute. Alex is a very convincing villainess. Very sexy striptease and naked fight in the beginning. Coco really rocks.

This is followed by some regular heroine v villain knock down kick ass battle with Redwing kicking ass.

The climax is of course a heroine v villainess fight followed by some more stripping and humiliation. Coco rocks again.

A very worthwhile acquisition. Great work TBFE

7 years ago

Clip of the Year right here. Content, acting, choreography, costumes, WOULD NOT CHANGE A THING

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

It is UP!!!

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Yes! Downloading right now 🙂 Enjoy!

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
7 years ago

Cool, this is literally the next thing I’m buying!!!!!! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Kent

There is a note on SHG, in case you guys miss it. Not before 3 pm PST.

ME92 avatar
7 years ago

So much anticipation has been build up for this that I’m worried there will be too much traffic on the actual time for release xD Hopefully the site won’t crash due to too many customers accessing the site at once, hmm…

With that said, just a little longer now, mhm.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  ME92

And in the big scheme of things, what’s a few hours or a day? Thinking back to the most anticipated video of 2016, I have since recovered from that anticipation and have been able to move on. In fact, I don’t know if I remember which one it was…

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Tomorrow sounds good; looking forward to getting it then 🙂

7 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the update. Very considerate (I was refreshing SHG with much frequency).

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
7 years ago

So this would be the 16th, any chance it’s today???

7 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Kent

Last update, he said 17th-18th.

7 years ago

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to what else you have going on.

7 years ago

That release date stinks. Lol. Long wait. It has been a really long time since I am actually looking forward to a new video release. Coco without question one of the best actresses in the genre. Sells the part amazingly.

7 years ago

Is her name simply just Coco? i want to find more stuff from her

7 years ago
Reply to  Wolfenstein

Most of her work is on Niche Clips, it’s mostly extreme stuff though. I’m not into blood, stabbing, shooting, unscrupulous medical examiners, lagoon monsters, etc. Call me old fashioned but all I need A beat down and a good old strangling. But that is where to find dozens of her non heroine fetish videos. I would recommend Agent Lizbon Apology Accepted, it’s an awesome one without any of the above mentioned.

tltan123 avatar
7 years ago

“Fair amount of shooting” can only be a good thing.. i can wait…just knowing that Coco is back and the thought of many more films with her coming our way is enough satisfaction for the time being.

7 years ago
Reply to  Doc Holiday

Couldn’t agree more! I can wait while Allen is producing more content.

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago

Just means the trailer is going to get repeated plays until then 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  SHBeater

Yup, by the release date this trailer will have set the all-time record for number of hits received.
It’s burned into my mind already and there are still 12 days to go.

7 years ago

So people unprepared for a positive outcome on their income tax preparation can parlay their pleasant surprise to promptly purchase this presentation of pummeling a powerful pulchritudinous princess for their personal perusing pleasure?


7 years ago

Any upcoming Coco or Layla releases?

7 years ago

You are quickly becoming my idol!
If I might ask, who else are you working with this month?

7 years ago

Sofi certainly is beautiful. I look forward to her debut. If I have this straight then, we can look forward to THIS Coco film, a Layla release, Sofi’s debut and another Coco venture – or something to that effect. Sounds great to me.

Bobb avatar
7 years ago

Oh another Layla??? When can we expect a preview? She’s the best/hottest going right now!

7 years ago

Are you still on track for a sunday/monday release?? Hopefully sunday!

tltan123 avatar
7 years ago

Thanks for the update Allen, haven’t been so impatient for a while, really looking forward to it.

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago

If you still have some editing to do can you please, please, please make Piper’s beatdown of Redwing as long and sustained as possible. Thank you 🙂

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago

Does everything that appears in the trailer appear in the final cut? There are some brilliant bits in the trailer that I’d be sorry to see missing from the released version. Just a question.

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

I must say that I would get this video just for that last picture and seeing Redwing being carted off naked.

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago

I have to say this is one of the best trailers I’ve seen for an upcoming release. It seems to give a good flavour of everything that will happen. I only hope that Redwing does take a sustained beating as the trailer seems to imply.

7 years ago
Reply to  SHBeater

Strong agree, I keep coming back to re-watch this trailer, which I hardly ever do. On thinking about it, these are the things that really appeal to me: – Obviously Coco is smoking hot, but I particularly like Redwing is clearly set up as being formidable, and only gradually loses ground until her final defeat. A heroine’s downfall is way more satisfying if the villains have to work hard for it. – Similarly the way her lines convincingly go from confidence -> defiance -> desperation. The psychological peril aspect (i.e. having the heroine make an internal transition from cocky/self-assured to… Read more »

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  ComradeTodd

Picking up one point I’d like to agree with 100%, that being the dominatrix villainess. It is such a breath of fresh to see dialogue of this nature between the heroine and villain with the villain getting the upper hand and destroying the heroine during the process. The clips of the combat looked brilliant to me in the trailer. I just hope the beatdown comes over as well in the movie as Alex pummels Coco into submission. Somehow, a monster or madmen conquering the heroine is just not the same another more powerful female.

7 years ago
Reply to  ComradeTodd

And I strongly agree with EVERYTHING you just said ComradeTodd. (except maybe about the voiceover thing. which I find distracting. I’d prefer those emotions be acted out and incorporated into the dialogue as well. And as you pointed out, the verbal sparring between Alex and Coco appears exceptional. But that IS a very minor difference of opinion). As SHBeater pointed out, this trailer is amazing in that it paints a clear enough picture of what unfolds for you to discuss all the points you have above, with confidence, pre-release. Trailers seldom serve up that much detail….if ever. And that is… Read more »

7 years ago

Looks very hot. I saw the bit in the description about “learning how to fight and kill if necessary”. I know tastes vary on this but for my money I’m hoping this isn’t a death ending. Seems like a bit of a waste to have a setup where the heroine tries to break up a sex slavery ring, gets defeated and ravished by the dominatrix who runs the place (Alex David looks to do a great job here BTW, her acting chops are some of the best in this business), but doesn’t wind up enslaved herself. As others have said:… Read more »

7 years ago

Quick reply with exactly the news I was hoping for, now that’s good customer service!

7 years ago

Good to know. I have never liked death endings.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  ComradeTodd

I think the one added shot that would have been awesome would be a sequence with the mistress showing off her harem, with the final shot being Redwing in full uniform tied to a bed (or hog tied). The mistress would be admitting that buying time with Redwing would be expensive, “But how often do you get to fuck a superheroine as hot as Redwing?”
The last shot could be of two guys double-teaming Redwing.

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Sugarcoater, that right there is just about as PERFECT an ending as you could get. I know a lot of people like the death ending as ComradeTodd pointed out but I feel as though there’s become a sort of saturation with that sort of thing. Don’t get me wrong though, death endings are good and I like them for the most part but recently I’ve found that they are a bit too ‘final’ . I much rather have a heroine defeated, tied up, carted off and sold to be a sex slave or any other number of humiliating fates. For… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Thanks for the support Darkwrath. Here’s hoping we can see something like that in a similar such video 🙂

ME92 avatar
7 years ago

Can’t see that anyone else has asked this yet so I’ll go ahead. Is there an estimated release date for this video Allen? Or is it simply a matter of as soon as it’s ready type of thing? Pretty sure I’m not alone when I say that I can hardly wait =P

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

I guess Im not alone in hoping its all up and running soon, I cant wait to browse your recent vids again and search for more with sexy Ariella,The Crypt looks fabulous!

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

Checkout the villain in The Crypt. first saw him in Solaria. He’s incredible, so intimidating, and that voice of his.

redmanx avatar
7 years ago

Torturing the heroines by pushing her head under water is very rarely seen, and its so sexy; the scene here looks really good and for me is a huge bonus to what looks like a truly great vid with some excellent fighting, nudity and, I assume, sex too!

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Redmanx

I would buy this for the last 5 seconds alone! Seeing the heroine wheeled away naked and unconscious or dead on a trolley is such a fantastic ending.

TimCaine avatar
7 years ago

This looks yummy!

7 years ago

CoCo…helpless…and completely at Alex’s mercy?? I MUST HAVE THIS ONE!!

7 years ago

Omg also not sure if alex david will see this but just wondering if she could get coco as a heroine going up against one of the ‘lesters’ or maybe shade.

7 years ago

Wow, is this the first time Alex David has shown up in a TBFE production? I’d pay good money to see her star as a heroine who gets the full TBFE treatment! We’ve had TBFE videos starring Stella, Arielle, and others from her stable of performers–we absolutely need a TBFE video for Alex David like “Crypt” with Arielle and the Solaria/Shadowing movies with Stella.

Awesome to see Coco return, also.

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago

Oh yeah, baby! Coco’s back in town!
Lookin’ as fabulous as ever.
This is going to be great!

7 years ago

Will buy it. Of course 🙂

ME92 avatar
7 years ago

If this one ends up as good as it looks I’ll definitely be buying this one! Have been holding off from videos from SHG media in general lately due to the lack of f/f domination, but this one might just bring me back. Hopefully we don’t have to wait long for a release =D

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  ME92

My feelings also. There’s been a lack recently of a bad ass female totally destroying the heroine.

7 years ago

Love the F/F fight! Will Buy!

7 years ago

Debooting! That sounds like a first for TBFE!

7 years ago

The true return of Redwing! It’s been like 3 years since we’ve had Coco in anything. How lucky we all are!

7 years ago

Awesome the Redwing legend is looking hotter than ever! It’s so good to see her return to duty! Hopefully this movie will be the beginning of more to come.

mongey avatar
7 years ago

WOW finally redwing is back!!!!! Alex i could do without but Coco rocks the house!!! thanks for making this and I hope there are more in the pipeline!!!

7 years ago

Alex David is looking gooooooooooood in this one; she looks in better shape than she’s been in years!

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

More Coco is always a good thing!

7 years ago

Oh My! COCO!!!!! How I’ve anticipated your return. This looks amazing.

Skirtfan avatar
7 years ago

I just love stills that show the heroine grabbed by a handful of hair with her arms hanging helplessly at her side. This looks as if it could be the vid of the year especially with that amazing end if you look at the trailer.

7 years ago

So glad Coco is back. This looks excellent.