“Witch Trials” and “Resignation” from TBFE

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6 years ago

I enjoyed both movies. Love the ending in Witch Trials. Love Coco. As for Resignation, I loved it minus the superheroine being killed in the end. I don’t like those endings. I would prefer either the villiani leaving her humiated or keeping her as a sex slave.

I know people have their fetishes and some like the heroine being killed in the end. I am not one of them though.

Condorian Man
Condorian Man
6 years ago

Not to side track the convo but did you guys hear that August Aimes died? The actress who played Lady Wonder in one of TBFE’s previous films? So sad, she was great

Trigon avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Condorian Man

Truly sad news 🙁

Doc Holiday
Doc Holiday
6 years ago
Reply to  Condorian Man

Damn, the good ones always go too soon… sad news indeed.

Jeff avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Condorian Man

OMIGOD I didnt know she played Lady Wonder in TBFE :O but yeah I heard she passed yesterday, such sad and terrible news these past two weeks 🙁 She was so beautiful

6 years ago

Please share your thoughts on Resignation if you’ve bought it!

mcarvalh avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Ralev

I bought both movies. Both are great with gorgeous actresses, great costumes and good acting. I preferred Resignation. I really like the idea of a superheroine Falling to lust. Personally I would prefer to see her becoming hornier and hornier without all the beating. The other thing that does not appeal to me was the end, but I will not spoil it. When the superheroine was making her statement to the public I was really expecting her to lose control and start pleasuring herself as a side effect of the drug injected in her body. That would be the perfect… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  MCarvalh

I agree tbfe has been doing a better job then primal although ultra girl submits to lust is the greatest concept to come into the genre other then this one which I first saw in punch drunk from ngc. Maybe the next heroine that tries to “save” miss wonder will have that fate. Maybe tbfe should get a female villain played by maybe Alex or Stella with lustful and addictive pheromones that they secrete and the heroine is trapped with her in the room.

6 years ago

Loved Witch Trials! Does anyone know the name of the actress who plays Scarlet? She’s listed as Angel in the credits….

6 years ago
Reply to  perhacs

I too have fallen for this girl.

6 years ago

Thank You!! Been waiting for this!! Bout to order now!!

6 years ago

Loved Witch Trials. The beat down Salem gave Redwing was epic. What a nice trophy Salem got for winning the fight, an extremely hot girl. It was a really bad day for Redwing, losing a fight and losing her girlfriend. Redwing looked so defeated at the end. I thought this had a cool plot and decent effects. Scarlett is a hottie with a tight body that’s for sure. Loved her facial expressions. Coco and Stella were great at always, good chemistry between the two. Stella really knows how to play the villain, she’s almost too good at it, lol. When’s… Read more »

ME92 avatar
6 years ago

Witch Trials… Bought it, watched it, loved it! Hands down the best final beatdown I’ve ever seen in any fetish-film thus far as it blended the action and the peril superbly, and the acting was spot on too – probably one of the better I’ve seen in recent times all-together. The chemestry between the girls were outstanding as well, no doubt about it. The trailer didn’t lie, this was everything it promised and more! Heck, it’s even the movie of the year for me and easily among my all-time favorites. I could probably write several segments alone on how good… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Well.. it should be noon on the 30th in Cali now…

6 years ago

Do we have an ETA on ‘Resignation’? Still good for a November release?

mcarvalh avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Allen, I live in the United States, but at the moment I am traveling on vacation outside the country. I normally purchase all your movies using my Paypal account when I am home. Today when I tried to purchase your new movie I do not see “Paypal” as a valid payment option. I only see the “pre-fund option. This is probably happening because I am outside the US. Is there any other way I could pay (like a direct Paypal transfer to you) to get the movie? I can’t wait to get this new movie. Thanks.

ME92 avatar
6 years ago

This has to be the first time ever that I’ve found myself refreshing a page upon release every 10 minutes in hopes that it has been released, heck, I might even be off by several hours still xD #SuperExcited

6 years ago
Reply to  ME92

If you join the loyalty club, you’ll get an email message when it’s released. And a small discount to boot.

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Yeah I saw that and joined already ;P

6 years ago

i can’t wait for marvelous part 2.
mia malkova, or another actreses it’s ok.
that costume’s fucking hot

6 years ago
Reply to  666

Nice to hear! Me, too! I have a solid concept for it and am writing it, but going extremely slowly since it’ll be a while before I can afford to order it and get it made. Someday, though!

6 years ago

Stella… When was the last time we saw Stella on the receiving end? It’s been too long.

Skirtfan avatar
6 years ago

I hope this lives up to my expectations based on the trailer. Even though we like our SHs being defeated in their uniforms, it was something special seeing Redwing being pummelled while naked.

Skirtfan avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  SHBeater

Let me understand this. Do these -ve votes means people don’t like to see Redwing suffer while naked? {shocked}

Fbsol avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  SHBeater

It is quite odd, never know what most people who post here will want to see film to film.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  SHBeater

I hate it when the model is naked. The essence for me is the heroine in costume. It can be dirty, ripped, partially removed. But just a naked model is simply a naked model—no superheroine. Anyone can find pics of naked women online, and without a season or a full length movie with the model in costume, the nudity doesn’t connect to the superheroine being totally exposed. And even if it did, for me it’s much more intriguing to see the heroine still in her costume being abused. It’s psychologically more humiliating, as I see it, for the heroine to… Read more »

Skirtfan avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Providing she started out in an outfit, I still the superheroine, but totally humiliated in that her entire costume has been removed.

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Great news Allen! =) Only too bad I’m 7 hours ahead in my timezone, haha (8pm already here). Might get very late tonight then for me I suppose if this is going to be an evening release ;D

6 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Hey Allen, just saw on Blair Williams insta she was suited up as Solaria. Is this old or did you shoot again recently?

6 years ago
Reply to  Rizo

Just looked and my God her ass got bigger. Will be interesting we will most likely see something next month. Wouldn’t mind a similar concept from resignation for Blair and that ass getting destroyed

Last Guardian Standing
Last Guardian Standing
6 years ago
Reply to  Rizo

I commissioned a custom with TBFE that shot recently. Maybe it’s from that.

6 years ago

Just by trailer alone “Resignation” probably has the hottest storyline I’ve ever seen.. thank you in advance TBFE!

6 years ago

Definitely gonna top consumed for me. Also I’m glad this kind of idea which I first saw in punch drunk from ngc is getting attention by primal and tbfe. İt’s a great concept

TimCaine avatar
6 years ago

Looking at the photos from “Which Trials” I’d like to make a comment on the OTS carry picture down at the bottom left corner of the pile of pictures. Here’s my comment “All OTS carries should be done the way the guy on the right is doing it!” The guy on the left could learn from him. Carry the heroine high enough on your shoulder that she hangs down you back. She needs to be folded in half like a taco. Not carried up-right like you’re giving her a boost. Remember villains, it’s “BUNS in the air… not shoulders in… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

Ha, I was thinking the same thing about the OTS carry.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

Hahaha. ‘Buns in the air!’. Love it but a great point though.

Decendingskulls avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

It’s also easier on the back. Notice he only needs one arm 😛

TimCaine avatar
6 years ago

I can’t freakin’ wait!!!!!!!!!!!

Every Coco as Redwing has been great. This will be an instant buy for me. BTW who’s the hottie with the body tied up in back?

For my money nobody does a better Wonda – babe than Adriana Chechik. Have you seen Hands of Man!?!? Take my money… please!

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

I know how you’re feeling xP
If it’s any comfort, TBFE’s page says that both vids are coming in November. Well December 1st is this Friday so going by that alone we should get both videos by then O__o One can hope!

6 years ago

These videos just keep getting better and better. Each one gets a little more daring. Without a doubt, IMHO, the best ones currently out there.

6 years ago

Love the fact we keep seeing new actresses joining the genre!!

6 years ago

Stella looks hotter than ever.

6 years ago

Wow, both of these look good. Really wanna see Witch Trials though. Love the f vs f action. Also love AOH and OTS carries so thats good to see in the preview pics and trailer. The girl playing Scarlet looks really cute. I like Adriana’s facial expressions in her new video. 2 buys from me once they are available.

6 years ago

God damn! Resignation is looking like it will top solaria consumed for me

DDXX avatar
6 years ago

When is this coming out???

ME92 avatar
6 years ago

Ever since I first saw Coco in Undercover some great while ago I’ve been begging for another more f/f orientated release with her again in the main role, disappointingly seeing countless releases since then that were f/m based instead (even if I’ve been tempted I’m not normally into f/m) , but at long last it seems to be here.

Not only that but this one seems to take it longer than Undercover ever did as well which was my only nitpick back then. I’m definitely sold! Will be a day 1 purchase for me no doubt!

6 years ago
Reply to  ME92

Same here, Undercover remains a favorite of mine and it’s tantalizing to see Coco back as Redwing facing a female villain again. The scenario looks promising too: having the heroine set out to rescue her girlfriend, only to lose and get stripped & ravished in front of her (and then have to watch her sexually submit to a hated rival) isn’t something we see too often but it sure looks like good psychological peril. Naturally Coco is looking fine as always, and honestly I’ve always thought Stella is best as a villain. TBFE has been a hit factory this year… Read more »

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  ComradeTodd

Well said my friend, well said.

Mobolaji Windapo
Mobolaji Windapo
6 years ago

glad Stella’s back, she roicks

6 years ago

Cant wait!! Both are instant buys

Jeff avatar
6 years ago

2 more incredible videos coming soon! I Wonder if this is one of ms Stella’s last videos

6 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Hope not! It would be great if she at least stayed around in the villainess roles.

Jeff avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  shevek

Yes I agree!!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Hope she does one more vid as the heroine. Then another. And another 🙂