Wonder Woman Starring Gal Gadot – in Theaters Now!

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BigZee avatar
6 years ago

Is there some sort of controversy between James Cameron and the producers of Wonder Woman?

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Quite an impressive performance by Gal Gadot. She did indeed give me the impression of being Wonder Woman. The accent was as beautiful as she was (and for some reason, I found myself noticing how her slightly curly hair looked really good; stupid random detail of mine).
There were a few hokey moments, but it makes sense considering DC is shooting for a PG-13 audience. Very pleased with this film; should inspire at least one other WW movie in the near future.

BigZee avatar
7 years ago

Finally got to see the movie. In the theatre, the males were out numbered by at least three to one. Ms. Gadot is the hottest woman on planet earth and is the living embodiment of Wonder Woman. Whoever cast her is a genius. The plot line was a bit slow at times. The Steve Trevor character had some lame moments. The movie featured awesome combat cheorography. Nice twist on who The villain was. Never expected that.
Overall this a pretty fantastic film. A sequel can’t come soon enough.

7 years ago

Sorry to put this on the WW thread, but man, does the 1st trailer for Black Panther look AMAZING! Can’t wait.

Endofallthings avatar
7 years ago

Seen the movie – absolutely excellent all round. Gadot is Wonder Woman and really does an exceptional job. It says something about my psyche that whilst I was rooting for Wonder Woman all through the movie, my villain-type brain was also conjuring up lots of bad end scenarios at the same time…

7 years ago

Saw it over the weekend and I thought it merited a solid B/B+. I liked the compressed time frame once they leave Amazon Island..the whole thing seems to take place in a mere four days, by my count. That helps keep the pacing active, and as a WWI buff, liked the period touches (like the ads on the walls of the buildings) someone had obviously researched. Gal Gadot is great as Diana (she’s not called Wonder Woman once in the film), and the Israeli accent just works. Some of the fight scenes were a bit jump cut heavy in my… Read more »

7 years ago

Saw the movie on Sunday…and was very impressed. The acting was very good and Gadot was outstanding as Wonder Woman. While I am overjoyed this movie is having success, my big question is ….what the hell took so long??? Imagine how many garbage movies we have had to sit through over the past 30 years to finally get what we were waiting for. OK…. I won’t go too much into the peril but at the end when WW was on the tower and isolated, I was genuinely afraid for her because you became so attached to her character watching the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Joss Whedon wrote a script for a WW movie he was also hired to direct. The studio looked at the script and said, Thanks, but no. Apparently not a very good script. So I am one of the very few comic book geeks who is not looking forward to Joss Whedon Batgirl, but we will see. Now I am really looking forward to WW with Gal Gadot, and the sequel. Justice Leagues maybe. The most recent trailer did not do it for me.

Next Global Crisis avatar
7 years ago

Just watched it, very enjoyable. The girl is just fantastic. Stunningly attractive and believable in the action. Innocence and toughness. I know there were many doubters when she was cast but she really does a great job. Chris Pine is also excellent. I’d give it a solid 4 stars.

In terms of peril…. well I won’t spoil anything. She’s tested shall we say, a couple of good sequences. She’s so great though, you do root for her mostly.

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago

I understand this movie set a box office record as the highest grossing opening for any movie featuring a female director.
There’s already some talk about making another one.
In the meantime, I believe she’s also featured in the new Justice league movie which I think is set to come out in a couple of months.

Next Global Crisis avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

A bit longer, it comes out in November. I’m sure they’ll make another one now, it’s had the best reviews of anything DC in recent years and is set to make pretty good money.

7 years ago

I’ll ask. Any pril at all? Does she take any punishment?

7 years ago
Reply to  Mell

Never mind. I see below its pretty much a ‘no’. Still looking forward to it!

MAV avatar
7 years ago

Good entertaining movie with great action scenes. Didn’t care for the London part but but before and after were the best. Gadot is growing on me (remember the too skinny doubters?). WW2 officially has Jenkins signed on and will be contemporary (sorry, no nazi torment comic absolutists)

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  MAV

Don’t count out the Nazi’s. The next one might take place in Idaho! 😀

7 years ago

Alright! 100,5 million it is. Domestically. So, get ready for Wonder Woman 2 🙂

7 years ago

The movie is AWESOME!!!!

7 years ago

Saw it. Liked it. All the actors did their character’s justice, impressed with all of them. Great cinematic visuals (tho some darker scenes seemed bit too dark in theater I saw it at). Good mix of dark and light tone in the story/script. Liked all the action scenes, including slo-mo stuff. This Wonder Woman felt authentic, genuine, and Gal looked gorgeous. Patty’s directing is solid, edit pace is good. All in all, a fun time at the theater. I’m glad to be part of opening weekend box office numbers. Usually I prefer less packed theater experience and wait a week… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Seer

We are looking at a box office performance nearly identical to the 1st Guardians according to Box Office Mojo. WW did almost 39 million at the North American BO Thursday to Friday which keeps it on track for a 95-100 million WE opening. So far so good. A 100 million opening would be sweet 🙂

7 years ago

Just saw it. The scenes on Paradise Island (I’m not gonna try to spell Thymwhatever) are really good. The Amazons are freaking badass. Chris Pine is fun to watch. He does the whole roguish heart of gold thing really well. The humor works. The action scenes are pretty well done, with cool slo-mo stuff and lots of energy. The best part is Gal Gadot. I’ve tried to keep an open mind about her casting. There has been an inordinate amount of fanboy hate directed at her, but I was hopeful. She totally rocks it. She sells Diana as naive but… Read more »

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Bert

“…(I’m not gonna try to spell Thymwhatever) …”

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the humour in a bunch of females living on an island they call “The Mascara”. 😀

7 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

Good one! And they are all into each other, these women. Go figure 🙂

Ray Gootz
Ray Gootz
7 years ago

I’ll list my main problems with ebnding here for everyone who saw it. SPOILERS / / / / / // Towards the end of the film Steve Trevor and Diana share a scene in which they suggest Ares doesn’t exist. People just like to be evil. But you have to fight for what’s right. And I was really on board with that. I was on board with not seeing Ares in this film and her final battle being against Dr.Poison. But then 20 seconds later they just disregard that whole scene. And then Ares, who has been hiding and plotting… Read more »

SomeKindOfNinja avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Ray Gootz

I think Ares’s reveal still worked because even with his presence, in the end it was still the people’s decision to become evil and start killing each other. It was especially poignant because even after Ares’s death, humanity continued fighting each other, thus proving that he never really had full control over their actions, only making subtle manipulations of where they could go. All in all, I don’t think the reveal of Ares diluted the idea that people just like to be evil. Perhaps you may have a point with the second thing though, the idea that maybe they beat… Read more »

7 years ago

If you honestly call yourself a superheroine fan, go see the movie NOW.

Gal Gadot embodied everything that I love about Wonder Woman through the years. And I know it’s a superheroine forum, but Chris Pine was great, too.

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
7 years ago

Just one last comment, people openly laughed at several of the gags. It’s definitely not a comedy and the audience might have been overexcited as it was about the first showing we could have seen so they were probably mostly super fans…. But it was really fun!! 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Kent

BO for the Thursday evening screenings are in (which will count towards the weekend numbers). 11 million. The 1st Guardians movie opened to 11.2. So it is still on track for an 95 million opening. Pretty impressive. And yes, of course some people will hate on it. Show an old Jack Kirby comic to somebody who has not paid much attention to comic books and this person will most likely say: “Heh, this guy can’t draw! This is not what people look like.” So no, I do not care much about what other people say. I will watch it and… Read more »

Ray Gootz
Ray Gootz
7 years ago

It was ok. Could’ve been better. The ending rips off the first avenger ALOT. i went with a large group of non-fans and they all hated it. It was kind of shocking to see such a negative response. It was fine. Best DC film by far. But that’s like saying someone is the softest rapist.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ray Gootz

What a repellent comparison.

Ray Gootz
Ray Gootz
7 years ago
Reply to  Bert

All right relax sunshine. All I see on this forum are people asking “Any chance she gets punched in the crouch in this one?” But god forbid I make a joke. I mean i hate Man of Steel Batman v Superman. Suicide squad was fine but still a mess. So yes this is the best one of that series. In fact it’s the best DC film since 2008’s Dark Knight. But it still has problems. The last 20 minutes or so feel like the studio made it and not the director. Th final battle feels completely different than the rest… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Ray Gootz

Seriously one of the dumbest things I’ve read on this forum.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ray Gootz

I don’t disagree with Ray. I hated it. But people’s expectations seem to have dumbed down or something. It’s weird because I feel like I’m one of the few people that didn’t like it and I can’t seem to see how people seemed to think this was a good film at all. Her acting is atrocious. Her delivery is distractingly bad. And the themes are good but the execution feels grade school level. Let the hate come lol.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rizo

Why hate? You are stating your opinion. I have to see the movie for myself first, to have any opinion, but I hated the latest Guardians movie. So welcome to the club, I guess 🙂

BigZee avatar
7 years ago

How about awful or terrible or lame instead of hate?

7 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

No. Thor The Dark World was lame. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was awful (so was the 3rd movie in the original series). Guardians 2 is (to me) highly offensive. Hence I hate it. Three examples: they took one of the first truly liberated, highly self-confident female heroines (yes, also confident in her sexuality, I know, shocking, but it was the 1970s) and made her into a pet for Ego and something (she is not even a real person in the movie) to be mocked at constantly by our heroes, namely Drax. The jokes are mostly designed that we (the audience)… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

I have to say Horse, that is some damn fine analysis. Hadn’t really thought that much about Guardians in that light; you bring up some interesting thoughts.
Here’s hoping, as we both anticipate, the new Thor movie is as good as the trailer makes it seem.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Thanks! Here is hoping as well! What an awesome trailer. Yes, I know I did not spell Ragnarok correctly, twice 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Ray Gootz

Wait a second… I didn’t see that last part where you compared it to rape…what the fuck dude…

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
7 years ago

I just saw it…. first 20 or so minutes a little slow but when Gal came on and Chris Pine first appeared it really took off!! I liked it! And yes, Gal is freakin’ stunning!

7 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Kent

Any peril at all??

Ray Gootz
Ray Gootz
7 years ago
Reply to  Jobber100

Nothing. She doesn’t even really sell when hurt.

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
7 years ago
Reply to  Jobber100

She does get wrapped in some kind of torso long metal, knocked to the ground for about a minute, but it wasn’t just one long scene it cut away to whatever the Chris Pine character was doing during the scene.

7 years ago

So, the first reviews are in. Mostly very positive. Lo and behold!

BigZee avatar
7 years ago

You seem shocked or bewildered?

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

I am actually very shocked. DC has yet to produce a film that has garnered over 60% score on RottenTomatoes and was actually fun to watch.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I am optimistic, but as this movie is being hailed as a female empowerment movie (and there is nothing wrong with that), I think this will naturally lead some reviewers to praise it regardless of the actual quality of the film. That said, I think it looks great and am looking forward to seeing it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

You most likely mean the post-Noland DC films (those had very high scores overall or is it the “fun to watch” part?). But speaking of the DCEU films. They have achieved this one goal at least. With 59 reviews in, it sits at 97 %. Only two reviews rotten so far. Or a score of 7.7. Usually, with more reviews in, they go lower overall. I had very much thought, it would be at around 80. This is, without having seen the film, just guessing.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Pleasantly surprised. Had hoped for it. When you check out the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, they are mostly 4 out of 5 with some higher and two fairly low. What surprises me is that Gal Gadot is compared to Christopher Reeve and the film itself in tone to the 1st Superman. So, a complete change to what they have done so far. So very positive overall, but I will need to see what this means. I clearly remember that a lot of criticism for Man of Steel and BvS stemmed from the fact, that it was not as bright and… Read more »

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago

Good to hear!

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Perhaps the producers should be concerned with ridiculous ideas such as the one this theater came up with: a “women only” viewing.


7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

It is not as ridiculous as it seems. The Alamo Drafthouse chain is propably the best chain of movie theaters in the US from what I hear. And to give you an idea about what is really rediculous: movie theaters in my country offer “screenings for men” for the type of movies they feel are targeted towards men. As a man, I find this somewhat offensive 🙂

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Wow! I find it so odd that there is a need to divide the audience in this way. Do we really need this? I imagine it’s a silly attempt at publicity, but it also serves to continue to add fodder to need to put people into their respective camps based on labels (gender, race, etc.).

7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

True that! But, sadly, these are the times we live in. This will make me sound like an really old man, but I am reading mostly comic books from the 1970s now. Boy, were we liberated once 🙂 But seriously, Comixology has put up some of the “Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes” from the 70s. Those costumes! Not only for the ladies, but the gents as well. Imagine, these were targeted towards kids (I did read these when i was a kid and I remember them well, also the costumes) and young adults back in the day. If they… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

(Although arguably, wouldn’t the movie sell well upon opening? No basis of comparison. And locals may opt to attend a different theater as a protest against the idea. Ah well, who knows?)

7 years ago

I’m curious as to which country would that be – I can’t for the life of me imagine a “men’s only!” screening being considered acceptable anywhere in North America / Europe / Oceania, the PC cries about “patriarchy!” would reach the 3rd ring of Saturn. I do frankly hate such silly initiatives of “X only!” events; They inevitably mark down a division and cast the “excluded” people as some sort of enemy, trying to beat perceived discrimination with a similar one – in the last decade or so, it’s been the turn of men (as a generic concept) to be… Read more »

BigZee avatar
7 years ago

I am seeing a lot a promos and hype on TV; are the producers worried about the prospects of the film?

7 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Why? They (the studio) are spending more to promote it. However some sites have the tracking (i.e. the box office for the first weekend) a little low and some predict it will “disappoint” at the box office, but firstly: if it is good, there will be a lot of positive buzz on social media which will help the box office. And secondly, this will not open in the range of BvS or even Suicide Squad. This is the 1st stand-alone movie and these usually don’t do that kind of box office. If it opens in the range of 65-75 million… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Any big-budget summer blockbuster has to make sure that EVERYBODY finds something to like about the movie and is excited to go see it in the first week or two, before the next blockbuster grabs hearts and minds.

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Exactly. Every producer is worried about the prospects of any film they back. It’s all about the almighty $ and getting as much as possible, as quickly as possible.

HM avatar
7 years ago

This thread is open for comments once again.

Please keep the discussion centered around the topic of Wonder Woman.

HM avatar
7 years ago

Comments on this post are closed for now.

BigZee avatar
7 years ago

What happened to the thread about the Wonder Woman film? It stars the hottest woman on the planet with an amazing accent, just perfect for the role. Her costume is a great upgrade from the past; after all it is 2017.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is a fun and ‘cool’ flic. ‘Brandy’ by Looking Glass was one of the all time hits, actually it became a number one hit single even before it was released.

Alan Jones
Alan Jones
7 years ago

I’m not as excited – it looks good, but I expect it will be another benign affair. Superman vs Batman was shocking – there were some bizarrely irrelevant stuff, a lack of genuine motivation in several characters, some horrible performances, and it was strangely humourless. Suicide squad was even worse – I can’t believe a movie that bad, with such a big budget, can get made. Both Eisenberg’s and Leto’s performances neared parody (Leto actually spun around in a circle of knives or did I dream it?) – why can’t we get a really great villain in a superhero film?… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Alan Jones

If you really want original, groundbreaking superhero stuff, I would suggest you watch Legion. It is ony 8 episodes (the second season has been greenlit, thankfully). THIS is the most original thing (superhero or otherwise) I have seen in a long time. Outstanding performances as well, from Dan Stevens and Aubrey Plaza. Check it out:


7 years ago

I skipped Legion when they started broadcasting because the promos made it seem like they were making a mountain out of a molehill, hinting at but really giving away the show’s one trick to anyone paying attention to the promo.

Nope, it’s a mountain. A beautiful mountain for thoughtful climbers.

7 years ago

It’s probably too much to hope that she gets KOed….

BigZee avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  JohnG

What do you mean by this? This is a Wonder Women film, not super heroines or heroines in peril.
No doubt that she may have some obstacles to face.

7 years ago

Gal looks so hot, the Wonder Woman magic is starting again! Hopefully there will be more Wonder Woman movies made after this one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brad777

You’ll only have to wait till November this year. She is in Justice League… Yes, technically not a Wonder Woman movie, but she is the female lead appparently.

7 years ago

Yeah, Justice League looks awesome in the trailers. More movies with Gal as Wonder Woman the better!

saxman314 avatar
7 years ago

I’ve learned not to get my hopes up with DC, but they’re making it really difficult with these trailers. This looks fucking great.

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
7 years ago

I know they showed a lot of this before, but this is looking SOOO cool! I’m gonna see it pretty much immediately when it comes out. Just going on for a second, I’ve been dreaming of a Wonder Woman movie since the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman on TV when I was a child!

Mr.Bleh avatar
7 years ago

Looks like its gonna have 2 “chapters”. Origin story, then WW ends WW1 (or at least helps the allies win).
Should be an interesting and fun movie. Very much looking forward to this one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

Then she gets frozen and thaws out in modern society?

7 years ago
Reply to  TBob

Careful with the spoilers 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  TBob

guess not lol

7 years ago

Wonder Woman movie looks great! Can’t wait June 2

7 years ago

I wish they had cast someone with a little bit more thickness to her. I understand that’s not what they were going for and I know they’re kind of in a bind in general with the character. If they want a costume that looks anything at all like the classic one, they can’t really cast the kind of woman that’d appeal to me and all the creeps like me and also market her to young girls etc.

7 years ago

Congratulations to Gal Gadot for officially making an Israeli accent the sexiest thing on Earth! Can’t wait.
Combined with Daniels in Alien: Covenant (essentially the new Ripley) and Laureline in Valerian (played by superhot Cara Delevingne who wowed us as Enchantress in Suicide Squad), we’ve got some great female characters to look forward to in blockbuster sci-fi this year.

7 years ago
Reply to  shevek

You have seen the trailer for Valerian, right? Oh, boy… this might give Guardians 2 some serious competition for worst SF / comic book movie of the year 🙂

Yes, Guardians Vol. 2 is terrible. Here, I came out and said it. It’s perfectly alright to admit it. As for Wonder Woman: very much looking forward to it. Everything looks kinda cool, except: Gal Gadot can’t act.

7 years ago

I don’t want to talk bad about Gadot I’m sure she’s a wonderful human being but she’s not exactly Meryl Streep. A native English speaker would have been a good choice for this role even though I know she’s not playing a native English speaker.

The little girl who plays her as a kid sells her lines better.

7 years ago

Not sure what to make of the movie, regarding its trailer. DC loves to make all of its movies gray and dark, and overly serious, but this trailer has quirky humor. I hope that the humor is legitimate, and not a hasty “oh, shit, Deadpool was successful, so let’s throw some jokes in in post” situation, like Suicide Squad did.

7 years ago

No offense to the fine managers of this establishment, who are reporting what they find, but this isn’t strictly a trailer — it’s a one-minute TV commercial.

It’s a significant distinction because TV campaigns drop spoilers like Fun Size wrappers on Halloween.

If you don’t like spoilers, don’t watch TV commercials for movies.

Moue89 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

He’s that guy!

7 years ago
Reply to  This Guy^^^

I wasn’t going to wait for someone else to be that guy.
They might not do it right, and this subject is too important.