“Wonder Zoey: Out of Retirement” from Fierce Fems

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Hual avatar
2 years ago

anyone kwons when Part 2 will come out?

2 years ago

Glad to see more of Zoey from other vendors!!! Not interested in the elements from this video, but I really hope she will continue doing this kind of stuff. She’s one of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen in a fetish video and her selling is amazing.

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  diocanide

What other stuff has she done?

2 years ago
Reply to  Juanman8

Mostly sex fights that you can find on Cliips4sale. I think this is her first time in a superheroine costume.

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  diocanide

alright well if I try to look her up I may need her last name

2 years ago
Reply to  Juanman8

Search for Zoey Chanel on Clip4sale

2 years ago

This look great! Any plans on making films with hosiery and debooting? 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  SW

Yes! I concur!

2 years ago
Reply to  SW

They should make their hose the source of their powers. They all wear short micro mini skirts (no leotard). No panties under their hose. In order to defeat and depower them, you have to get to their hose! To get to their hose, they first have to be DEBOOTED!

Hual avatar
2 years ago

looks interesting, but I am not much of a Torture Fan. I also bought only the second part of the CoCo release and skipped the first part. Might be the case here as well. Actress is very hot though, have I seen her before or is she a new face to the genre?

alan081 avatar
2 years ago

Could this also mean “HM: Out of (Semi-)Retirement”? Yes, it’s presented with Fierce Femmes but since it’s available at Heroine Movies, could that mean HM isn’t looking to get out of the biz so much anymore? And might start making his own movies again? Inquiring minds want to know.

majcvd49 avatar
2 years ago

What’s with the stubborn insistence on bare-legged heroines with this company? The last coco release had it. Now this. Would be nice to throw us pantyhose guys a bone now and then.

Slapmutsky avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Then fund your own custom

majcvd49 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  DogSnot

Think that’s a comical thing to say, honestly. But you think it was a great comeback lol Reality: customs these days are ridiculous when it comes to pricing. Not all of us are down to shoot 1000 bucks into a twenty minute porn video. Using “go get a custom then” as the blanket excuse when someone comes out with a little criticism is childish. My argument comes down to variety. You’d think if you’re gonna shoot a nearly identical video to the last release, that you’d change a few elements. Pantyhose is a well known point of interest for the… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike
Damien Woods avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

$1000 Bucks is a cheap custom. As a director that almost exclusively shoots pantyhose – no amount of negging comments will make me shoot bare legs. Some directors stick to their guns on their preferences unless its a custom. A more constructive way to express yourself would be “your films look great, ever plan on making a clip with hosiery? For reference I dont buy clips with bare legs” I personally ignore comments that some kind of insulting flair as I do not want to reward customers who find creative ways of insulting me into submission. Just food for thought,… Read more »

Slapmutsky avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Wow you really told me!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You must know that “stubborn insistence” is not how you win friends and influence people.

majcvd49 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Are we that fragile that something like that is seen as an insult? All he’s done is bare-legged stuff. That can be seen as a stubborn insistence on sticking with the bare. Not intended as an insult. Just a sharp observation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You had no reason to be rude except your own fragile frustration at not being served content you like by this producer. Hiding behind passive voice isn’t going to work. Your observation is about as sharp as a sack of wet mice and just as useful.

majcvd49 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Now who is being offensive? The hypocrisy on display here is comical.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

My brothers in Christ. You can be anything. So, be kind.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You were rude. You asked for it. The hypocrisy is yours. It’s not comical, it’s just typical, unfortunately.

Slapmutsky avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

I just find it funny that the people who complain about films not having what they want are also the ones who will not actually MAKE the film that has what they want.

Customs can be expensive. They can also be affordable. You have to shop around.

If you want to have a pantyhose WW eating chips while having their toes sucked on by a sea monster, you CAN. It’s a weird beauty that exists.

So don’t complain. Save yer pennies and make something.

majcvd49 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  DogSnot

Custom prices these days, as Damian so helpfully pointed out, are rarely below 1000 dollars. That’s not pocket change for most of us, dunno about you. I have shopped around. He’s almost completely correct. Unless you want something made in an garage with a girl from down the street.

I find it funny how you want us to live in a world where content requests are completely banned unless you are ponying up $1000 plus for a custom. There’s no sustainability in that imaginary marketplace you’ve conjured up.

hughmungus77 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

What’s with the stubborn insistence on bare-legged heroines with this company?

This isn’t just a “content request”, you were taking shots. If someone is being rude, demanding something from something from someone else’s creative endeavor, “pay me, idiot” is a fine response.

majcvd49 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  hughmungus77

Where is there a demand in there? It was a question. Not a single demand was made.

hughmungus77 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

You’re making a “content request” (your words) in an obnoxious and rude way way, now you’re quibbling over semantics. Bottom line, you tried to pressure a creator by being insulting, and got a glib response. A glib response is all that comment deserved, no need to whine about it, nobody feels sorry for you.

majcvd49 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  hughmungus77

I guess I’m just flabbergasted at how easily some of you snowflakes get offended lol wasn’t an attack. Wasn’t meant as a guided insult. Was simply a pointed observation. You’ll all be ok. I promise.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The polite thing to do would have been to apologize for being rude, even if it was unintentional. But you keep doubling down on rudeness. This genre seems infested with entitlement and rudeness that it can ill afford — neither producers nor performers appreciate that crap — and I’m not the only patron who’s sick of it. Quit messing it up for the rest of us. Don’t be pointed, be polite. Y’all can do it if you try.

majcvd49 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

For someone who watches superheroine porn I guess I’m just shocked how fragile you are. That’s it. We’re going in circles here. If you wanna keep talking you’re welcome to but I will no longer respond. Have a good one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

More projection. The circle is your unrepentance. I hope in your quiet reflection you recognize your misstep even if you can’t acknowledge it here.

hughmungus77 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Liking your this porn = be ok with shitty behavior?That says a lot about you.

You’ll all be ok. I promise.

Maybe it’s you that needs to hear this.

heroperilfanatic avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

@ Mike
“I find it funny how you want us to live in a world where content requests are completely banned unless you are ponying up $1000 plus for a custom.”

You can thank all the internet piracy for the world we live in now. Cheap content stealing bastards killed the “content request” era for our little genre a long time ago.