“Wunder Woman 1977” from Superheroine Dream

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8 years ago

It looks like the next episode comes out on May 24th. This one looks to have quite a lot of fight action!

8 years ago

Their Youtube channel features a teaser for the next episode which is scheduled this month.

8 years ago
Reply to  Slater1974

Looks great. Her opponent is like a Bane type character with some sort of mechanism in his arm. I hope peril is top notch and some ‘exposure’ from the new Wunder Woman would be awesome too!

8 years ago

If you’re into 70s style WW and hot, slender, asian women, I’d recommend it. Yes, it’s pretty light on peril and could almost safely be found on youtube (peril-wise), I think the actress is very beautiful and the costume is spot on! I’m really not as picky as most of the community, the camera shake didn’t really bother me much, I didn’t even notice it until I knew what to look for. The actress is hot and it’s a better, in terms of quality of shots, than most of the videos being churned out on other sites. The price, I’m… Read more »

8 years ago

Bravo Wildkat! I love this one. It’s great to see someone out there doing a Wonder Woman video based on the classic Tv show. An even mix of the WW2 and the 70’s eras. Even used some of the dialogue from certain episodes. Nice. Finally, I get to see a video with Wonder Woman doing the voice mimicking thing. I love that! Such a cool superpower. Hope to see more of that too. They never did it again after a few times which was for me a bummer. Maybe next time with WW, facing the camera while doing it and… Read more »

8 years ago

This movie was so well done. Wildcat Korea did a great job of planning different scenes in different settings, having a true plot and great peril to follow. I thought the WW actress was outstanding and that chloro scene was HOT !!!

Cannot wait to see what he has in store for Wondergirl as a team with WW and on her own.

This again proves you do not need hardcore material for a movie to be sexy as ever.

Awesome job!!

8 years ago

Very poor ww product , not impressed at all, even the peril which was very light didn’t work well,

8 years ago

It would make the quality MUCH better if you quit SHAKING the camera, QUIT using slow motion and cheap “effects.” Leave the camera rolling without any editing “tricks.” It really takes you out of the story and makes the video seem amateur.

Otherwise, great job.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Apolo

Five thumbs down for making a constructive criticism and voicing your opinion.

8 years ago

Terrific flick with great peril scenes and a beautiful girl in the WW role. Had the look and feel of the classic WW show but with more peril elements strung together. Would love to see an extended catfight sequence encompassing all aspects of the classic catfight between WW and Steve’s secretary Marcia from the original 1975 pilot but with WW getting more punishment via cheap shots from the villainess. But overall, a very good and satisfying Superheroine movie and I look forward to more WW episodes from this company.

8 years ago

I got this last night, enjoyed it very much! The classic feel of the old WW show was felt without being overpowering. I like the combo of different perils/ideas taken from WW episodes. The actress playing WW was great. Very much has that classy beautiful look and loved her time as Da-In. Liked the little bits she had in the performance, like stumbling a bit coming into the office, very Clark Kent. Perils were great, favorite being the chloro scene. Loved how WW was trapped and then a classic lasso scene. Liked the shackles she had but maybe in a… Read more »

8 years ago

Excellent, not perfect but still a very high standard. Keep focusing on the classic TV Show look and storylines and these will sell big time. Loved the peril. Future Adult versions with Wonder Girl etc would be very welcome.

8 years ago

Just take my money! Cannot wait for the bluesuit WW episode!!!

8 years ago

Awesome… yes, looking forward to the next one… great peril and acting… wish we could get these more often, especially with Wonder Woman!

8 years ago

Just watched it and thought it was good, looking forward to the next one.

8 years ago

Are other options besides Paypal going to presented?

8 years ago

I just watched it, and if Wildkat’s future releases are like this, I’ll be buying them all. This just went further then much out there as far as having different settings, and a movie-like feel. Anyone who enjoyed the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman will like this. It really captures the feel.

Yes, there were some obvious missed punches here or there, and the fight choreography wasn’t on par with some other producers, but it didn’t take away from the enjoyment for me.

8 years ago

I have just watched it and liked it very much. It’s even better when you have watched the whole original series and notice all the inspirations.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago

Now Available!
I hope you enjoyed the show 🙂

8 years ago

I’m eager to pick it up but would like some feedback from someone who’s purchased it. Plus it seems to have some purchase bugs to work through.

8 years ago
Reply to  Raiderman

Yeah, chrome works better. Can’t download in I.E. I joined and became a member and then paid through PayPal. You don’t have to use your account, but can checkout as guest. I thought it was a really well planned and organized movie. Enjoyed all the fighting scenes, sleepy scenes and overall action was good. Can’t wait for the next movie. We need to show good support to the producers so they can keep making these movies. Thanks WildKat.

8 years ago

Trying to add this to my cart, and it keeps telling me my cart is empty.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  Scwank

Um…was it solved now? Try once again (recommend chrome browser ) and if it is in trouble, give the
mail to me. Here!

8 years ago
Reply to  Wildkat Korea

It is downloading now. I hadn’t signed in, because the confirmation email was slow to come through. But once I signed in, it worked. Thanks!

8 years ago

I saw it and loved it!!! Exactly what I was hoping for. Can’t wait to see part 2!!!

Jayme Almeida Filho
Jayme Almeida Filho
8 years ago

I am trying to download but fails every time. I did pay though.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago

I checked! Check your E-mail. Thank you!

8 years ago

Can not pay by Visa? I don’t have Paypal account

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  Lee

Lee, We are about to launch the site, but the site is still under construction.
Please wait more. But, It would be better to use paypal

8 years ago

is it working???

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  Bart

sorry, I make wait.
Please wait a few minutes.
I will tell directly if I end

8 years ago
Reply to  Bart

Nope, not yet. Plus Wildkat hadn’t given us the green light.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  Stvn

Sorry Stvn. We are about to launch the site, but the site is still under construction.
We will let you know when it’s ready.
I’m watching this place continuously, I will inform directly if a problem is solved.

8 years ago

It’s working. I’m downloading now.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago

Please wait a few minutes.
It will write directly if it is ready!!

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago

Hey! Bro!
I didn’t open still!
Please wait more. please!!
I’ll be back soon

8 years ago

Is it possible to purchase? I tried several times, but always failed.
I have received message “Your PayPal checkout session has expired. Please check out again.”

fzc avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  dkkee

Same problem here.

fzc avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  dkkee

Wait, it’s ok to download now. I am downloading.

MAV avatar
8 years ago

The site is superheroinedream.com for those not aware. Also, the cost is not $1 but $35.95 it appears. Enjoy!

8 years ago


8 years ago

IT’S UP!!!!!!

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago

I am sorry to disappoint you.
The editing of the video was already completed but
There were technical problems on our homepage.
I am realizing your expectation and a big disappointment.
Because also, I am a fan of this genre.
So It is the increasingly sorry mind.
I am sorry.
Our forecast issue time is on Friday morning 10 o’clock
with the Washington standard.
I and all our staff everyone doesn’t sleep and I am doing the best effort.
I apologize for it once again.


8 years ago
Reply to  Wildkat Korea

We know you are doing your best.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Did you buy the film? What did you think of it.

8 years ago

Gotta admit, this IS getting more than a little frustrating.

8 years ago

I don’t care about the timing. I WILL BUY IT !!!!

8 years ago

I don’t buy it, because you cheated me. Bye~

8 years ago

“Under promise, over deliver.”

Next time, don’t say “soon, soon soon.” I would finish the thing, then tease us for like a day or two or if you know a concrete release date you can announce that a week out. Cuz more than 2 days of thinking it’s coming out today is just annoying.

8 years ago

I’d checked this page literally 20x today. haha.. Can’t wait!

8 years ago
Reply to  J13

I know the feeling ahaha

8 years ago
Reply to  J13

Kinda reminds me of another producer, the Rye would torture us with long release dates. He would tease the viewer with pics and vids and not release for a month.

8 years ago
Reply to  Stvn

That used to piss me off! Now I just accept it, I see a Rye release announced and think ‘that’ll be a nice surprise when it comes out”.

8 years ago

Trying to wait patiently ….so hard wildkat

8 years ago
Reply to  Alucard

Me too. Been a tough week. Please release asap. I’ll download twice. ha

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Sorry, I am not a buyer. This is 2016 and I am looking forward to the modern version of Wonder Woman as seen in Batman versus Superman. Nostalgia just doesn’t cut it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Happily for Wildkat, no one cares what you think.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Very childish of you, also a lack of maturity on your part. No surprise here. This is my opinion, what others think is not my problem but theirs. I look to the future and not to the past. The modern version of the Wonder Women costume is nothing short of fantastic not to mention cool and wow.
I am confident that Wildcat will produce a high quality video that the nostalgia enthusiasts as well as others will thoroughly enjoy. I am impressed with the cultural diversity aspect.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Unlike most people here, I understand everyone has their own opinion/taste/fetish and it’s ridiculous to question it. I would also like to see more BvS style Wonder Woman vids myself, especially if they could find someone beautiful and slender as Gal Gadot. BUT, my first exposure to WW was the drop dead gorgeous Lynda Carter so I just can’t say not to this vid.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  J13

J13. I agree that Lynda Carter was drop dead gorgeous and still is. Enjoy the film, I am sure that you will. The visual quality looks really good.
I am comfortable with my opinion. Too bad that a number of individuals on this forum are not open minded about the fact that others have opinions different from theirs.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

“Sorry, I am not a buyer. This is 2016 and I am looking forward to the modern version of Wonder Woman as seen in Batman versus Superman. Nostalgia just doesn’t cut it.” Read your comment. Now ask yourself, how is this going to be interpreted? You’re telling a guy who has slaved over painstakingly recreating scenes from a beloved show, adding an enhanced amount of peril along the way, that you won’t buy it because you want the new WW and nostalgia just doesn’t cut it. The video is already made, it’s not like he can change it. So why… Read more »

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Excuse me for having an opinion which others may disagree with. Buy the video and enjoy it.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

In fact nostalgia does cut it. It is a Greek word meaning “a pain from an old wound”.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

That sounds logical to me. I never gave the Greeks enough credit for their contributions. This brings a whole new perspective to things.

8 years ago


BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Nice but hardly relevant.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago

We’re almost there. Maybe tomorrow. release time I should be able to talk here. Please wait a little more 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Wildkat Korea

Great news!

8 years ago

I’m hoping WildKat’s next project has WW and WG in it. Been checking daily and nothing yet for 1977.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  Stvn

Thank you! Stvn. I plan many things of this series. For example a few things, WW and WG in one movie, WG solo starring role, WW swimming suit movie, Only adult ver WW (PG or R or anyway adult ver ) Supportive and trust me. And You will be able to see in an inside to be lots of this middle 🙂

8 years ago
Reply to  Wildkat Korea

An adult WW episode would be awesome, specially if the actress playing her right now would star on it, please make it happen Wildkat. I cant wait to buy this movie I hope tomorrow would be the release. More power to Superheroine Dream.

8 years ago
Reply to  Wildkat Korea

WW swimming suit movie!! The bluesuit wonder woman is fantastic!Cant wait

8 years ago
Reply to  Wildkat Korea

Haven’t even released 1977 yet, but I can’t wait for a WG movie. Name your price for that and I’ll pay.

Jo Ro
Jo Ro
8 years ago

Would be great to see her in gorilla press type lift by some big goon!!

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  Jo Ro

You know what? This goon is me! ha ha!

8 years ago

I can’t wait. Hopefully this will be released soon. Lots of buzz and his prior work was great so I’m hoping for the best. WildKat please stop torturing us.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  SSMN

Thank you for your comment SSMN! I don’t have an interest to torture you. But the sense has me to torture a Superheroine! 🙂

8 years ago

Are we getting close?

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  Swank


8 years ago

Looks good,Cant wait
Will the Video be in HD?

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  shack

Yeah! You will see HD 🙂

8 years ago

The trailer looks good and really brought me fond memories of the earlier version and cannot look forward to watch it.

Just a comment. For superheroine, who are beaten or tortured, it will be great and more realistic if there is some blood scene, vomiting of blood when being punched heavily or stabbed etc. That will be awesome. Don’t think there is any scene like this (since the very first production did not have)

Keep up the good work!

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  Zhong

Thanks, Zhong. But, Superheroine bleeding? Not to my taste 🙁 Because I don’t that a classic. Sorry!

8 years ago
Reply to  Wildkat Korea

Understand, its ok, just suggesting as some Western and Japanese Superheroines movies, the WW or Supergirl vomit or bleed when stab, shot or punched and are weakened. To me, that’s more realistic.

8 years ago

This is great. A taller ww and the hairstyle fits perfectly. I like both this and the ww form mind stealers, what I like about this newer one, it reminded me of a heroine i once saw on tv. I hope the bearhug lasts longer.

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago
Reply to  djanggo55

Thank you for your nice comment djanggo 55! Yeah, right! I tried that an old tv show! Thank you!

Wildkat Korea
Wildkat Korea
8 years ago

Sorry to make you wait, my friends. Wait more for a few days. Almost done.
I will inform here first of all if I end. I promise! Just few days 🙂

8 years ago

waw 🙂

8 years ago

Still schedule for release this week Wildkat?

8 years ago

Are there multiple chloro scenes? I can’t wait for the vid. Please release ASAP. Thx