X Club Wrestling Episode #49

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7 years ago

any new regarding the next XCW ? i guess there has been a long time… Alex are you still committed on the series ? thanks.

7 years ago

I requested you guys team X Club makers please bring some sexy costumes just like shiny and tight spandex i wannna see x club girls humiliated when she wear shiny tight spandex and pants with different shiny colors please make one episode only for spandex

7 years ago

any update on the next heroine film / x club alex?

7 years ago

This opened things up again in a lot of ways. There could be a scramble for #1 Contender amongst the factions. Honestly, there are a bunch of hot matches from this. -Jewell Vs. Some Cream Puff – Set up by the head ref to get Jewell back in shape. Only problem would be that Jewell nearly loses and Christie has to actually help her. This could be fun, actually. Jewell would realize that Christie is her ally by default, as Christie will keep anyone more formidable from getting her belt. Options: August Ames for betraying Jewell. Jessa. Emily. -Way back… Read more »

sexquaana avatar
7 years ago

The way Christie lost her title was incredible! Wondering how the storyline goes on! Christie win the title back then fqcing the #1 contender Lucky O’Shea?

7 years ago

I love all of the Christie XCW videos but I feel this storyline has run it’s course. I may be in the minority. After she held the “Retirement Party” for GI Jane, why GI Jane want to continue to face Christie. That seemed like the finale of the feud. I feel like we need to build to a Christie vs Marquise. I’d want the Marquise to utilize the Dominator and have her do the beat downs of Christie. Then the Marquise could get all of the pins. This could lead to Christie blaming Jessica for not helping enough and berating… Read more »

bigcat avatar
7 years ago

I loved both of these new videos. Christie has never been better. What XCW 49 lacked in wedgies, Impervia sure made up for it. The one thing I’d love to see more of would be nipple pinching such as what Christie did to Gia in the Impervia video. I believe of all the girls, Kym has the best nipples to torture and we just don’t see enough of that. Now as much of a fan as I am of a shaved pussy I do like see girls like Gia, Karlie, Lucky and even Vicki sporting a bush. Would any of… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Paulo

+1000 for forcing one Jobber face into the ass of her tag team partner!

bigcat avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  djarte


sexquaana avatar
7 years ago

Last three pictures for the new superheroine? When will that come?

Alex Bettinger
Alex Bettinger
7 years ago
Reply to  chris

TODAY! Just an hour or so!

Alex Bettinger
Alex Bettinger
7 years ago
Reply to  chris

Okay, Superheroine World 38 is now available, starring the amazingly sexy Gia Paige!!! Check out the free trailer!! https://www.superheroineworld.com
comment image

JackPuncher avatar
7 years ago

Have now been able to purchase and view this episode. The “undefeated” Gia Page was introduced in a match against Christie Stevens. During her “mike time” Christie revealed that Gia is undefeated since she hasn’t actually fought a wrestling match. So considerate of Christie to allow Gia to get in the ring with her!!! But then again Gia fits the profile of those the American Mean Girl likes to fight. The amount of “mike time” Christie had allowed her screen presence to show and that is always worth watching and she then took it to Gia concentrating on attacking Gia’s… Read more »

7 years ago

Episode 7 was the first xcw i watched, have been hooked ever since. The idea of two strong babyfaces going up against a heel team knowing if they lose will result in sexual humiliation i think is what grabbed me about this series. My ideal match is the first half the babyface being competitive if not winning the wrestling, with the babyface starting to get cocky only for the heel to turn it around through cheating and then finish with sexual humiliation. Episode 37 and the exhibition are for me everything i look for in xcw both amazing epsiodes. The… Read more »

james Arrol
james Arrol
7 years ago

Alex, is there any chance of ever seeing another episode like episode 7 (one of the best imo). A tag team match where the losers get humiliated with a strapon, maybe even the first hardcore anal scene? #dontaskdontget ; )

7 years ago

Any chance of an ETA on the shw video

Alex Bettinger
Alex Bettinger
7 years ago
Reply to  Ztc

Hoping for late tonight! Stay tuned! Gia Paige is SOOO hot in this one.

Bowe mingle
Bowe mingle
7 years ago

Christie Stevens Is hot but I liked her when she was American dream girl not American mean girl

7 years ago

Oh I forgot. I luved Gia’s bush hope to see more of it in the future hehheh…

7 years ago

I think this is one of the best eps ever. Gia is a great addition to the roster-more please and Jewell has never been better. Just wish we could have seen more of her fine ass but seeing her totally nude again was a treat. And that tan was lookin good on Christie great stuff all around.

7 years ago

I’m pretty sure I’m in a minority here – perhaps alone on an island – but I’m okay with that. What I’ve longed to see, for quite awhile, is a group of heels turn on Jessica Ryan and hand her a physical and sexual beating that rivals anything that’s ever happened to GI Jewell. The more devious, sadistic, methodical, relentless and twisted the punishment the better. Just work her over and humiliate her for 30 minutes (45 minutes? an hour? two? lol) taunting her verbally the whole time. I dream of seeing Jessica in a small, athletic two piece and… Read more »

Coulumbia avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Nixon

I’m somewhat in agreement with Nixon… maybe you aren’t such a minority ;>) I like to see those wrestling holds of stretches, twists and turns ( 2 on 1) applied to the opponent where she is stretched, arched and immobilized by one heel and tortured by the other cruel competitor…. in that position she is not only just punched and hit, but sexually tortured… nipples tortured, pussy worked on to weaken her into a final submission. It’s great when the girl is tied up in the ropes or placed on the turnbuckle for sexual abuse and verbal taunting. I find… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  coulumbia

Well I agree in TOTALITY with you, Columbia. (lol)
Without a doubt, I love to see to sexual torment and verbal taunting WHILE the victim is being stretched beyond her limits in wrestling holds. Nothing beats some sexual massaging, developing into abuse, while trapped across the turnbuckle, in the ropes or in a backbreaker – just for instance.
And I’d like to see that combination of physical and sexual abuse, along with verbal humiliation, continue throughout the match, as the jobber is slowly and painfully stripped of her clothing and dignity.

7 years ago

Would love to see more 2 on 1 bellypunching or cuntbusting scenario. Any idea on when will xcw have this scenario again?

Kiri Aegis
Kiri Aegis
7 years ago

They have two recurring, signature moves that I like. The spread-eagle in the corner of the ropes and following crotch blows is one of the most helpless and humiliating scenarios.

The fierce wedgie with female boxing shorts or superheroine briefs…I love to watch the girl’s faces as they end up on the receiving end.

JackPuncher avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Kiri Aegis

As a Low Blow fan I have to go along with the corner spread eagle and crotch blows to the helpless pussy as a very watchable attack. Seeing the victim in such a humiliating position and so very very exposed and helpless!!!!! Will she be able to recover? Probably not. But we will see how tough she is. Especially if the treatment is repeated many times.

I am not suggesting that there are no other attacks in the bout which should show a variety of moves. Just that as a “signature” move it is a game changer.

bigcat avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Kiri Aegis

I agree. I love seeing those brutal humiliating wedgies

7 years ago

I can’t get bored seeing busty Jobbers like Jewel and the new girl getting demolished over and over again!

7 years ago

For me, I just LOVE the steady camerawork. So refreshing!

I am so sick of buying clips from other producers, to sit and watch 16-19mins of excessive camera shaking each time a blow is thrown.

7 years ago
Reply to  rangerian

I also find the trend of shaking the camera to dramatize the hits to be highly distracting. I’m not sure where the shaky camera habit got started, but this alone stops me from pursuing certain products that otherwise look appealing to me. I get that the camera movement is supposed to enhance the illusion of powerful blows going down, but I am interested in seeing and appreciating details of the actual hits and of the associated reactions right at the moment of impact, and jerking the camera around at exactly the critical juncture obscures what I’m trying to see. It’s… Read more »

TimCaine avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  wgb


I HATE the freaking shaky cam trend. Especially when there’s a talented actress involved. Think about what you are saying by adding shaky camera. “We have so little faith in the ability of our actress that we’ve decide to use goofy camera tricks to cover up the fact that the girl can’t act.”


The only thing the shaky cam does is remind me that I’m watching an over produced movie rather than an actual fight.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

Totally agree Tim, it crept in like a slow spreading virus. I think it is for some part, just plain lazy. Rather than spend time on improving the fight chorography. The models are getting sexier. I am guessing more models are crossing over from the porn industry due to the flood of money coming into this genre. Problem is, they are so set on expressionless acts, you can pick a porn actress a mile away from your TV screen!

So producers shake their camera to try and compensate!

7 years ago
Reply to  wgb

100% agree with all your points wgb.

JackPuncher avatar
7 years ago

I fully understand Alex’s need to produce films to update all his websites and also to fulfil commissions but I think this produces a challenge regarding XCW. There are only so many hours in a day and where from previous posts I perceive Alex does the scripts, choreography, booking of performers, and camera work/editing himself only so much can be created. I have bought films from Alex’s other sites and they are of high quality but find I have come to look towards XCW first. Films on the other sites can be looked at as more stand alone in that… Read more »

7 years ago

This is a great one! i love seeing forced kissing. Especially with Christie doing it to GI jewell! And Gia is a great addition. Great job all around

JackPuncher avatar
7 years ago

Good to see XCW back and with the long reigning XCW Champion of the World Christie Stevens in action. It is always watchable to see her strutting her stuff and in my opinion she has a lot of quality stuff to strut. And also the distinctive Christie Stevens smile. For me a large part of the Christie Stevens Champion of the World characterisation is that I do not think she has ever run what could be called a creditable defence of the title. She defends against creampie jobbers who stand no chance. If the challenger does actually mount a serious… Read more »

7 years ago

Also Coco is back at tbfe

7 years ago

Also alex could youpossibly do another vid like the exhibition, that was a great video

7 years ago

I will Probably get this in the coming weeks. seeing as after brexit These vids that are $40 from the producers at shg and primal are a tad too much then when it was before brexit. Anyway that was off topic but Gia looks great and christie as well, alex gave a perfect description. Can’t wait for Gia’s premiere at SHW.

TheEscapist316 avatar
7 years ago

Personally, I don’t like seeing Christie as the dominant heel (at least not in the way the story has been told since she turned). I liked her as a talented babyface who always managed to stick it to the bad guys. It made it that much more satisfying when Dominator got hold of her and finally took advantage of her. I wanted to see a build to her finally getting destroyed by a big, bad heel. Then she turned heel and I wasn’t at first, but I warmed up to the idea because I figured Christie would just be playing… Read more »

ME92 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Got to hand it to you Paul, I too have been warming up to Christie eventually getting turned on again and I think I remember Alex relating to that idea a while back when he first turned Christie heel. Truth is that it’s been quite some time since that happened due to less videos released in the last year and focus being on other characters as well. And of course unavoidably, girls like Paris retiring and perhaps other of the cast members being unavailable or moving on. That’s the thing when you make such a big series like XCW, it… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  ME92

I agree on Christie to an extent. She strikes me as a character like Triple H. She’s not the best wrestler, though she imagines herself better than she is, and she can scheme her way into holding her spot. She only takes fights she knows she can win. Eventually, it seems obvious that she will run out of cards to play, as someone finally comes for her and corners her. I think the time has come. Dominator could finally get serious. (Why has she never cared about the belt?) I’d love to see Christie and Jessica tagteam Dominator until Dominator… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Paul

“he babyface girls in X Club always seem to just get dominated all the time. I preferred the babyface characters like Christie and the tag team Charlie was in (at least they were dominant until the odds got stacked against them), not a big fan of the babyfaces like Jane who just get their ass kicked all the time. Just makes them look weak and stupid. I mean, why would they keep wrestling in this promotion if they just got their asses kicked and got raped all the time?” I keep hoping there’s going to be a reveal that GI… Read more »

7 years ago

Never seen this girl Gia Paige before… holy shit. Getting a real Jessica Jones vibe from her (especially in the 4th photo). Might wanna explore that.

7 years ago

I too welcome you back.It is outstanding to see GI Jane featured,as she always delivers quality videos. I never grow tired watching her respond to defeat.I will be buying the video.

redmanx avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  tree

Poor GI Jane it seems is just a punch bag for the upcumming stars at Pro Style, but nobody sells defeat better than sexy Kym Jane!

ME92 avatar
7 years ago

Great to see you back in action Alex, it certainly feel like it’s been a while. I have money for about one clip this week so think I’ll wait until the Superheroine one before I make up my mind which one it will be =D

7 years ago

Wow these two look vids looks amazing so glad for xcw and Christie to be back

James arrol
James arrol
7 years ago

Looks really good delighted to have a new XCW to look forward to…been too long