“Xera’s Quest” at Ultraheroix.com

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rayman avatar
10 months ago

Really enjoyed a different scenario and liked the overall result. Would have preferred more expressive peril but that is just my own take. How about getting VeVe into a nice short skirted She-Ra outfit to battle some evil forces?

10 months ago
Reply to  UltraHeroix

I love both Rayman’s and your idea, UH. One thing I’d like to see is, after taking down some big foes, for VeVe to struggle against small enemies. I like that you used bats in Xera’s Quest. It would be awesome if you’d use smaller creatures, maybe a swarm of insects if you can do the effects, which would unexpectedly give the heroine lots of trouble.

rayman avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  UltraHeroix

Great idea with the swarm of smaller attacks and even with the old school, which I like BTW, you could have She-Ra over confident and not take care of being bitten by the bat or spider and then she realises the venon has built up in her system to weaken her dramatically. Oh how the mighty fall WEG!

10 months ago
Reply to  UltraHeroix

Thanks! I’m definitely on board with old school. I’ve just always been intrigued for a situation where the heroine shows why she’s who she is against big enemies. Then the main villain has a trick up their sleeve, a much smaller creature(s) that look like they stand no chance but their quickness and ability to do damage surprise her. Worse yet, her strongest attacks have no effect on them! She’s weakened, even defeated and made easy prey for whatever the main villain wants to do. Veve to me seems she could pull this off nicely. I’d also love to see… Read more »

10 months ago

Good to see you are back, Very excited about the sword and sorcery scenario, Xera adventure looks very exciting. It would be interesting to explore other characters in this scenario like the Priestess, the barbarian warrior or the mage

Slapmutsky avatar
10 months ago

See, now we’re talking.

enf ripped off those clothes
enf ripped off those clothes
10 months ago

she’s hot, I’d love to see another version where she gets her clothes ripped off

10 months ago


10 months ago

Exactly, imo these videos aren’t complete unless they experience costume removal. They can still save the day, and escape etc etc but at least give us something…even a debooting lol.

Leia's bodyguard
Leia's bodyguard
10 months ago
Reply to  UltraHeroix

In reply to that, if you are adamant about keeping the peril with no nudity involved, then removal of clothing doesn’t have to mean nudity involved. A great example is Princess Liea in Return of the Jedi. So it would be kind of cool where our elf heroine starts out fully clothed in ranger clothes and we get to see great sexy shots of her wrestling throughout, and then maybe clothes are ripped, torn or she’s fully taken captive and clothes are changed offscreen to something skimpier by the end of the video, then we get more sexy shots of… Read more »