Zatanna: Feud of Zatara (First Look and Preorder) from SHL

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BARON2027 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

trailer looks awesome can’t wait for the release of the movie

mongey avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

holy shit thats great!!!! def buy..thanks for the amazing work!

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Oh nice! I didn’t think I was interested in this one, but after watching the trailer, I think I was wrong. Preordered!

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Finally we got a trailer, looks good hopefully we dont must wait another 2-3 weeks for release and watching.

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

The trailer looks good, and I’m looking forward to the release. On a different but related note, I’m glad that we’ve been getting downloadable trailers lately. I hope that continues.

Marie_Brooks avatar
3 years ago

WOW It looks Promising

3 years ago

For those who don’t know, Alex Coal is incredible! She has done a quite a bit of work for Primal Fetish and always gives a knockout performance. Although Primal usually has fun peril/domination scenarios, the production value of their videos is a bit lackluster. However, even with these limitations, Alex kills it with her commitment to the character and circumstances of the scene. Needless to say, I am super excited to see what she can do with a fantastic director at the helm and a high value set. If any of you are on the fence about this one, take… Read more »

dbr000kerst avatar
3 years ago

Option 2 …Want to see this as much as everyone else but want you to get it to where you want it. Do what you do best.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

It’s hard to say because as the audience, without a trailer, I wouldn’t know if the inner dialogue would add or detract from the finished video.

Personally, I’d vote #2

3 years ago
Reply to  Randomnewguy

After consideration, yea I’ll swap my vote to #3

BARON2027 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I vote for #3

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Vote 1 only because Internal mono isn’t my thing.

aschen avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Yes, I’d like to order up a Number 2.

AWS Man avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

As a preorder customer, I’d say option 3.

Simonknife avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Agree that as a pre-ordered customer, I would like to chose option 3

Last edited 3 years ago by Simonknife
Dr G avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I vote for whichever option gives Damien all of the time Damien needs to finish the movie properly. Don’t want movie to be rushed with glitches in it.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Trailer very soon with no monologue to hold me until the actual release with monologue?

Last edited 3 years ago by Jokey1234
TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Hmm… It’s hard to say. Sometimes internal monologue can be really hot, and sometimes it’s more of a distraction. This makes me want to vote for option 3, because then you have your pick. On the other hand, given the size of these files, having two copies represents a considerable chunk out of most drives, which makes me want to vote for either option 1 or option 2. I guess I’ll vote for option 3, and then delete the version I like less. (Though I know damn well that I’m going to end up keeping both of them, if this… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Internal monologue (character thinking to herself), not voiceover (character narrating to the audience), right?
I’d prefer 2 — I kind of like it in this genre anyway.
3 would be an indulgence that I wouldn’t turn down.

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Thanks Damien, #3 feels the best!

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

#2 for sure, get it right even if it takes longer!

Cora avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

In this case, is there any real downside to #3? It appeases everyone. Those who have been impatient get to watch ASAP, those who enjoy inner monologue will eventually have an opportunity to view it that way, and those who don’t, don’t have to. And those who are unsure can eventually view it both ways and determine which they like better.

AWS Man avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Cora

Yeah, I don’t really get why anyone’s voting for #2. If you want the internal monologue version, you still will get it with #3. You obviously wouldn’t HAVE to watch the first version without monologue, yet you’re weirdly insisting that it not even be an option for those who don’t care about it. Like … why?

3 years ago
Reply to  AWS Man

Because it’s two render, upload, and email passes, in addition to the extra editing, and that’s a lot of extra work for which he’s not getting paid extra. I’m not asking him to go through that on my account.

dbr000kerst avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Option 2

Marie_Brooks avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I’m going for 3

el goodo avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

internal monologue is basically the deciding factor on whether or not i purchase this so, option 2 or 3 for me.

mongey avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL


3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

#1 every day.

3 years ago

I’m a relatively new customer and Damien, I know your reputation proceeds you in delivery excellent quality stuff. I’d rather wait a few extra days than having you cave in to impatient folk.

Thanks, with much appreciation!

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago

I’ve seen a few people wondering why the film hasn’t been released yet, after Damien previously estimated release by the first week of June. I don’t know if any of these people are first time customers of Damien’s, or if they just have short memories, but, to spare them further frustration, I’ll state what most of his long-time customers know very well. Damien tends to work slowly, but he always turns in a high quality finished product. And it isn’t unusual for him to miss a deadline, or two, or maybe more, but he always releases the product as soon… Read more »

Dr G avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Looks spooky !

3 years ago

Nearly 1 week finished and no update or any information, it seems these days that many producers and sites are not very active. Furthermore as usual health comes first, so hopefully there will be a response during the next few hours/days.

Marie_Brooks avatar
3 years ago

How are you now ?
are you nearly Finished ?

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago

Any further news?

TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

I’ve had food poisoning twice, which is two times too many, so I can sympathize with the “praying for death” part.
Now that you’re back on the ball, I’m looking forward to seeing the trailer soon.

Dr G avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

If I think that I have food poisoning (ie sharp, knife-like stabbing stomach pain), I use self-induced vomiting to try and clear my stomach. Most of the time, I start to feel better half an hour to an hour later. It’s not fun to do but it seems to work for me.

BARON2027 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

sorry to hear you were sick but I am glad to hear you are feeling better.

BARON2027 avatar
3 years ago

any chance of a trailer this weekend?

3 years ago

For some reason I couldn’t reply to your comment from earlier, but that’s very impressive that Alex was willing to learn the incantations backward and that you added that nice bit of detail.

shzam avatar
3 years ago

Not a huge fan of Zatanna (nothing against her but not one of my favs) but preordered anyway just based on Alex Coal and your previous releases. Keen to see something new here.

The effects are something i’m looking forward, looking good from the screen shots.

Marie_Brooks avatar
3 years ago

is there a voiceover of inner thoughts ?

dbr000kerst avatar
3 years ago

Have put in my pre-order but would love to see a trailer.

hypnomancer avatar
3 years ago

Would love to see Zatanna getting interrupted mid-cast, with an extremely shocked/panicked look on her face, and maybe trying to cast with her mouth covered? Even if that’s not in this one, I am definitely looking forward to it. Kudos to SHL for bringing Zatanna into the fold.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hypnomancer
3 years ago

Are her imcantations dubbed backwards when casting a spell?

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Wow. That’s impressive. I have to buy this video now. An actress willing to give that amount of dedication to a SHIP film deserves all the support.

HonestFish avatar
3 years ago

wasnt expecting a Zatanna vid, this is an automatic pre-order. nice to see a heroine thats not often featured!

3 years ago

Hey, Damien. Just wanted to make a request to all the SHG media directors. Could you guys come together and make a platform where we all can vote your films. Just like imdb! There can be sub categories like rating the acting, action, sex scenes, beat down, peril, etc. It would also help you guys in understanding the majority. Also, not many people write a detailed comment of what they liked and disliked, but if it’s just a matter of voting, I guess more people will join in! Only if you guys think if it should be done. Just a… Read more »

3 years ago

This looks amazing and I’ll buy this alone just for the most accurate Zatanna costume that has appeared in these SHIP films. Really looking forward to this one.

3 years ago

She looks absolutely phenomenal, well played!
Moderately disappointed she wins, but fair enough. Certainly won’t stop me purchasing and sounds like theres plenty of fun along the way

Lets hope this leads to a whole series of Zatanna movies because its about damn time

Last edited 3 years ago by Jantor
3 years ago

Will she be a dominant heroine?

3 years ago
Reply to  Nathanek

She is a dom in the comic

RCO009 (1).jpg
TheLecher avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

“Beaten and taken” is how I like my superheroines. Well, by “beaten” I mean defeated. I don’t care about the beatdown, to be honest, just the defeat. But I know that beatdowns are a popular part of the genre, so I have no complaint. As long as “taken” follows “beaten”, I’m good with it.

hypnomancer avatar
3 years ago

Would love to see a gagging mid-cast, accompanied by a look of sheer panic on Zatanna’s face in response to what she knows is coming next. Even if not, given the track record of SHL film’s, I’m thinking that this a must pre-order. Looking forward to this one quite a bit.

MyNameIsURL avatar
3 years ago

I can think of something to put in her mouth to prevent those pesky spells…

Elevete avatar
3 years ago

no debooting then?

Simonknife avatar
3 years ago

3rd of Hardcore scene boots stay on mean no debooting?

AWS Man avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Simon Tam

If the boots only stay on for a third of the scene, then why would you think there’s no debooting? I mean, I guess they could disappear by magic considering the scene … but I’m gonna just assume they’re taken off.

Simonknife avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Thx for the clarification and already pre-ordered. The movie look amazing.

el goodo avatar
3 years ago

this looks good! two questions: do the gloves stay on? and is there any inner monologue?

shfyd avatar
3 years ago

Getting Alex Coal onboard is already a winner. She is a natural. Cant wait for this

3 years ago

Just preordered! I’m sure it’ll be great! One other difference that I’ve actually been hoping for is to see the heroine win every now and then. Just for commentary, the YouTube origin explanation does a good job with explaining her origin. Zatanna had a comic book series of her own (2010-2011 iirc) and started off pretty well, where she had to defeat Brother Night, who can be described as a super-natural-mafia-boss. I’d recommend catching the first couple of issues, quick good reads. Back on point: from the description, this seems like a top-seller. Back held back while getting a beat… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

yeah the puppet small size is tricky to execute. Maybe just a segment/part in her next film when the villain contact the puppet to play with her fear

3 years ago

It’s could you guys finally trying to give other Superheroine spotlight they deserve especially Zatanna as she is indeed secretly a very lovable superheroeine with great costume and fan favorites.

The script is certainly very entertaining to look. You guys really nailed her classic classy costume.

Personally I hope there are peril and hardcore stuff like groping, punch, beatdown while her outfit is still intact, as her costume is such a delight to see. Also I think seeing her escape artist skill come in handy would be good to see .But I believe you guys will deliver the best

Last edited 3 years ago by Mai
BARON2027 avatar
3 years ago

Just pre-ordered it can’t wait to see it nice to have a film with a different character.

3 years ago

Are there orgasms during the hardcore scene? (real or scripted)

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago

I’ve made my peace with Damien stuff not really being for me as I’m more into fighting than R rated stuff (which is unfortunate because I think his production values have gotten really good these past two years). However. I’m getting this because it’s nice that we’re getting a heroine NOT cast in the same mold as supergirl or wonder woman and Zatana is a great heroine to break from the pack.

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  SHL

Don’t worry about it. It’s all good. You’ve explained before why you choose to focus more on sex scenes than fighting and the reason you gave was not only logically but understandable given the circumstances. For me to complain about that now would make me an asshole.

3 years ago

It’s times like this I’m glad I signed up for the mailing list. I’m also glad that you went out of your comfort zone and took the time to research a new character. Very much looking forward to this release.

Dr G avatar
3 years ago

You’re right, there aren’t too many good quality Zatanna superheroine peril and/or sexual peril films out there. This one looks really good !

majcvd49 avatar
3 years ago

Looks incredible. Quick question: how is she knocked out? And is there any aftermath/ is it focused on and not a quick thing?