“White Shadow” and “Powerless” from TBFE

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7 years ago

New vids from TBFE are on the way. Both look mighty good 🙂
Check their site.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago

Watched “Powerless” again and I have to say how I like the way Sunder hits the poses when taking off or landing. I would love to see a future video with Sunder (or Solaria played by Alexis or Redwing played by Coco) lounging on her couch IN costume after her initial encounter arousing herself. Was just thinking how the heroine could be enjoying the feeling of having dominated the male villains and pleasuring herself at the thought of her dominance.

7 years ago

Normally TBFE states pretty explicitly how the video ends, but I can’t really see a conclusion to White Shadow in the description (unless she dies from the acid?)

Would anyone be willing to give a description of the finish? Knocked out, killed, just sorta passes out, none of the above, etc.


7 years ago
Reply to  strange_brew

Strange Brew:
The two villains cover her in the acid gel, chain her to a chair, unmask her and film her. We hear a news announcement describing a video which the media have received showing White Shadow’s capture and torture and asking that anyone with information contact the authorities. It’s kind of an open ended finish and leaves the possibility of a sequel.

Kookie avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  mjk

There will be a sequel 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Kookie

Thank you, thank you!! Definitely want a sequel to this… And please keep the same style :))

7 years ago
Reply to  mjk

Much appreciated!!

7 years ago

I can convince myself that Adriana is not a hardcore porn star, I can suspend my imaginary reality and go with the costume, but the pubic hair coming out of the costume is just ridiculous. If the person who ordered the custom asked for it cool, but otherwise whyt?

7 years ago
Reply to  bojangles

The person who ordered the custom asked for it.

7 years ago

Some thoughts on “White Shadow” As always with TBFE, the production values are extremely high. The action flows well, the fight scenes are well staged, and the storyline, while simple, makes perfect sense. (and, after all, aren’t production values what we all order these films for?) The acting is very good and, again, this has become the norm with TBFE. Adriana is, obviously, beautiful and she plays a heroine quite well. As mentioned earlier, her facial expressions are outstanding and she makes the transition from cocky heroine to imperiled victim as well as just about anyone. The villains in this… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  mjk

Thanks for the review. I usually don’t care for the sim sex and prefer the beat down so this sounds perfect for me!

Elkcreek avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  mjk

MJK, What percentage of the video do you think was physical peril? Were there a lot of stomach punches? How was her reactions to the physical punishment? Was it believable? Was there some time between punches, Kicks etc to see her reactions?

Kookie avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Elkcreek

Around 34 min runtime.. Around 17 min of physical peril (so about 50%)

7 years ago
Reply to  Elkcreek

Elkcreek I’d say about half the video was physical peril. There were some very good stomach punches, but not an extremely high number. I felt the mixture of stomach and face punches was just right, with some breast and crotch blows mixed in periodically. I thought Adriana’s reactions were spot on. There were a couple of times where she staggered around, kind of punch drunk after several blows. sometimes blows came in quick succession and there was time after the flurry to watch her react, other times there was time after each blow. the thing I really like about Adriana… Read more »

cratchit avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  mjk

And then, of course, there are those of us who are SO grateful not to have to sit, yet one more time, thru the same old, tiresome, boring, dreary, endlessly repetitive, pointless, plot-destroying, sexual activity that masquerades as a conclusion to so many videos.

7 years ago

Those 2 movies seem to have eveything I like: solid storyline, special effects, beautiful models and costumes, interresting peril elements and unmasking. I’m gonna purchase them soon.

shfyd avatar
7 years ago

WOW! This is an incredibly good video. Adriana is beautiful and she plays the confident heroine who is defeated and humiliated extremely well. She fights in costume and naked and goes done battling. Great camera work with the defeated scenes, some nice slow collapses. There is one where she is naked and falls to the floor which I found particularly erotic. This video really has everything. Close fights with the heroine eventually being overwhelmed. Bondage coupled with humiliation. The knotted rope scene is very engaging and Adriana’s moans sell the peril superbly. Heroine stripping, then torture using acid gel (another… Read more »

Kookie avatar
7 years ago

I want to give review but I might be biased. My custom is usually focused in a slower pace action and trying to bridge old punished heroine stuffs and giga stuffs. In my opinion, TBFE has done a really good job in doing that. This movie contains your classic GIGA knotted rope. So if you want to see that uncensored, this is a good opportunity for it. I think it’s the first time it’s ever brought to the west. This movie will also feature a lot of closeups. So if you’re a fan of that, you’ll be satisfied. Adriana is… Read more »

7 years ago

Thoughts/reviews would be greatly appreciated 🙂

7 years ago

thanks for the release. just bought via paypal but the download link seems to be dead.. cant download by “save as..” and when I jus left-click it gives me 404 error. any solutions?

SHG Media
SHG Media
7 years ago
Reply to  Charles

Hi Charles, V from SHG Media here… Drop me an email using SHG’s contact page and I’ll get that worked out for you.

7 years ago

Adriana looks fantastic and the teaser vid looks great. She’d be a great candidate for something based on the new WW.

7 years ago

I’m sure a custom for Tiffany Chase would need to include airfare and hotel since she lives in LA. If TBFE reaches out to her and gets her to agree, i would be in for a group custom! I agree with previous posts about her in a Sonique like outfit or I would love her in her Moonstar outfit…basically thong back side 😉

Jeff avatar
7 years ago

Maybe one day!! Tiffany always does such wonderful PG work!

Heroineburgh avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

It’s not official, of course, but I was told by someone who communicated with Tiffany very recently that she’s done with SHIP.
Not saying that TBFE couldn’t change her mind or whatever, but that seems to be her current sentiment for certain reasons.

7 years ago

The website says Thursday…

7 years ago

Will these new videos be included in the sale, Allen?

big bear lover
big bear lover
7 years ago

when is powerless out?

7 years ago
Reply to  big bear lover

It came out on Monday.

7 years ago

Please Tbfe bring Tiffany Chase

7 years ago

TBFE please try get tiffany chase on for something similar to sonique

7 years ago
Reply to  Ztc

YES we need Tiffany Chase back in this genre!

Heroineburgh avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Jwong

See my comment above.

MAV avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Ztc

Tiffany Chase would be great in anything but she’d definitely only do pg-13 and only works in the LA area I think

Elkcreek avatar
7 years ago

White Shadow, looks damn good, can’t wait!

shzam avatar
7 years ago

What type of sale? the normal 20%ish off everything except the two latest ones?

MAV avatar
7 years ago

Love the white costume, and would’ve been an auto buy with AOH

7 years ago

The White Shadow costume really makes me think of Phantom Lady, definitely would like to see that costume only yellow and with a green cape.

7 years ago

This might be an unpopular opinion to some but White Shadow needs to shave her bush a bit. It kind of bugs me that it’s there even when her costume doesn’t cover it

7 years ago
Reply to  Evilhigh80

seriously. I know pubic hair is making a comeback in adult entertainment, and just in general, but the choice to have that large of a bush was a mistake. When her vaginal area gets really oily it just looks like a mess. Personally I prefer zero pubic hair, but if the character is going to have some at least keep it in the costume.

7 years ago

Does it bother anyone else that Adriana Chechik has done some really hardcore porn? I mean she is hot and I do like porn. But knowing the extreme stuff she has done, just seeing her breasts and a skimpy outfit seems very tame here. Maybe it’s just me. Do most of the girls who appear in these super heroine films do porn?

7 years ago
Reply to  Steve

I can certainly appreciate the sentiment that once you’ve seen a hot woman have hot sex you want to see her have more hot sex. But personally I found Adriana’s prior genre work compelling even without seeing vaginal penetration. In ways it’s even edgier and more hard core than just sex, even gonzo sex. Different strokes, I guess. And then there’s the Theiss Titillation Theory…. Lots of women have been in these superheroine films. Whether “most” do porn depends on how wide you cast your definitions. BTW, Adriana is not alone in doing different kinds of work in different genres… Read more »

Kookie avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Steve

So, there are 2 kinds of girls who dwells in the superheroine genre. There are the locals (like Coco, AD, Belle Fatale, Arielle, Selene Drake, etc) and there are porn stars (Adriana, Alexis, Lana Rhoades, etc). The locals do do porn, mostly softcore or solo usually and it’s harder to find. They’re usually considered “amateur” if you’re looking for their porn. If seeing the girls in porn kinda ruins it for you then I suggest not looking for them. I do understand the appealing aspect of getting someone who never does any nudity into doing this sort of stuff and… Read more »

Bobb avatar
7 years ago

To each their own, but in regards to the White Shadow costume, at that point, why even have one? lol
I’m guessing it was a custom request or whatever, but still.

Sugarcoater avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Bob Smith

Yeah, I feel the same. There’s something about the genre that makes the costume essential. When it’s that bare, I lose sight of the superheroine aspect.
That said, to each their own and I’m sure this will be well received too as TBFE produces some amazing material.

Kookie avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Try to think of starfire or emma frost.

Kookie avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Kookie

Well I guess here’s my defense for this.. It’s just the fact that the heroine feel so powerful that she doesn’t feel the need for protective garbs.. It also shows that the heroine is pride of her body figure that she wants people to see. It’s like how magazine models want to set standards.. As for people wondering about my preference on bush.. I do personally like bush. And I do like when my heroines have them.. It just kinda shows the more “human” side of the heroine.. If you know what i’m saying. Anyway, I’m just saying this bcs… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Bob Smith

But what’s the difference between the white shadow’s costume and the sunder’s costume. Two inches of material at the top? Slightly shorter boots? The fact that you can see white shadow’s bush? And on that last one, if many actress’s didn’t shave I’d bet you’d be able to see their’s too regardless of what costume you put them in. One can make the cast that many of these costumes don’t make sense and are impractical. I mean, if we really start questioning these things too closely, the whole fantasy just falls apart.

7 years ago
Reply to  Bob Smith

It’s just there to hold her power crystal. And her transit pass. It shrank in the wash. The first time she wore it, tips from appreciative law enforcement officers and civilians went way up, and now she can crimefight full time. She subscribes to the Theiss Titillation Theory. (She never *expects* wardrobe malfunction…) She used to wear it with a vest and chaps, but they made her purse too bulky. And villains just would not shut up about the hat… The scientist who developed the power crystal said clothing destabilized the energy matrix and must be kept to an absolute… Read more »

Red Panda
Red Panda
7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Well, the power crystal is energized by the kinetic force of punches and kicks to her bare skin.
Also, her grandmother was a superheroine, and she wore this exact same costume — it’s a family heirloom.
And TSA pat-downs go a lot faster.
She’s a minimalist who wanted a costume that could fit into her coin purse.
What I don’t get is, why not have a fake power crystal to give to villains when they ask for it. Do they have some sort of power crystal tester?

7 years ago
Reply to  Red Panda

Kinetic energy absorption? That explains why there aren’t as many low blows anymore.
And now Naked Chick is suing Silver Shadow. The superheroine biz is so litigious.
A couple of years ago Energizer started putting power crystal testers right on the back of the four- and eight-packs. (Yes, Energizer power crystals are red, but the testers work on all brands.)

7 years ago
Reply to  Bob Smith

I agree, would be MUCH better with a decent costume.

ak_fan avatar
7 years ago

Okay that white shadow outfit seems a bit rediculous. He really bush is bigger than the bottoms!

7 years ago

i love sexiest superheroine costume, like white shadow.. i hope tbfe will release another superheroine like american icon. that’s gona be amazing.
thanks tbfe, success

7 years ago

Is this Amber-Sunder’s first unmasking?
Is this Coco’s first villainous turn?
Is that some GIGA knotted-roping?
Is that power crystal tucked under her costume on the back of her neck?
Is that R-Tech Insulfoam effective at keeping out the summer heat?
Is it just me or does that skull tat look like Bart Simpson?

7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Is that more annoying camera shaking with every blow?

RyonaKing avatar
7 years ago

The White Shadow trailer….I didn’t come here for male peril. LOL

7 years ago

Can’t get enough Amber

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

Full nudity. Half nudity. No nudity. Doesn’t matter. I’ll be picking up both.

Kookie avatar
7 years ago

Oh yes, there it is 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Kookie
Kookie avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Lol, you’re telling me. I ordered this custom back in April